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Motoman MRC controller suported by RoboDK?

I have a old robot  Motoman Sk6 equiped with a MRC controller.
Is this controller supported by RoboDK?
If yes, where can I find the postprocessor?
Thank you.
Best regards,
Hi Cristian,

We never had the chance to test our software with an MRC controller, but I wouldn't be surprised that it works.
We already support old (and sometimes very old) controller from ABB, Fanuc and KUKA.

You can test it with your free trial version. I recommend you to start with the standard Motoman post processor.
It's possible that you controller model will need some modification to the post processor to include some JBI options.
If it's the case, we will help you with that part.

Have a good day.
Dears, were you able to communicate the ROBODK with the MRC controller?
As far as I know, we haven't tried it.
RoboDK supports Yaskawa/Motoman controllers since XRC.

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