def ShortTest(): # Global parameters: global speed_ms = 0.250 global speed_rads = 0.750 global accel_mss = 1.200 global accel_radss = 1.200 global blend_radius_m = 0.001 #-------------------------- # Add any default subprograms here # For example, to drive a gripper as a program call: # def Gripper_Open(): # ... # end # # Example to drive a spray gun: def SprayOn(value): # use the value as an output: DO_SPRAY = 5 if value == 0: set_standard_digital_out(DO_SPRAY, False) else: set_standard_digital_out(DO_SPRAY, True) end end # Example to synchronize 2 def Synchronize(): # Use the following digital output to signal the state of the robot: DO_SYNC = 1 # Use the following digital input to get the state of another robot: DI_SYNC = 1 if (get_standard_digital_out(DO_SYNC) == get_standard_digital_in(DI_SYNC)): set_standard_digital_out(DO_SYNC, not (get_standard_digital_out(DI_SYNC))) sleep(0.1) thread Thread_wait_1(): while (True): sleep(0.01) end end if (get_standard_digital_out(DO_SYNC) != get_standard_digital_in(DI_SYNC)): global thread_handler_1=run Thread_wait_1() while (get_standard_digital_out(DO_SYNC) != get_standard_digital_in(DI_SYNC)): sync() end kill thread_handler_1 end else: if (get_standard_digital_out(DO_SYNC) != get_standard_digital_in(DI_SYNC)): set_standard_digital_out(DO_SYNC, not (get_standard_digital_out(DO_SYNC))) end end end # # Example to move an external axis def MoveAxis(value): # use the value as an output: DO_AXIS_1 = 1 DI_AXIS_1 = 1 if value <= 0: set_standard_digital_out(DO_AXIS_1, False) # Wait for digital input to change state #while (get_standard_digital_in(DI_AXIS_1) != False): # sync() #end else: set_standard_digital_out(DO_AXIS_1, True) # Wait for digital input to change state #while (get_standard_digital_in(DI_AXIS_1) != True): # sync() #end end end #-------------------------- # Main program: # Program generated by RoboDK v4.2.4 for UR5 on 19/05/2020 11:12:05 # Using nominal kinematics. # Using Ref. Frame 2: p[-0.564302, -0.032196, 0.181007, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000] # set_reference(p[-0.564302, -0.032196, 0.181007, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]) # Using TCP Gripper RobotiQ 85 Opened: p[0.000000, 0.000000, 0.130000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000] set_tcp(p[0.000000, 0.000000, 0.130000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]) movej([-2.825642, -1.818664, -1.016801, -1.857682, 1.555550, 1.331379],1.20000,0.25000,0.0000) movej([-2.692058, -1.744109, -1.121994, -1.829246, 1.553123, 1.464958],1.20000,0.25000,0.0010) # End of main program end ShortTest()