# Copyright 2015-2019 - RoboDK Inc. - https://robodk.com/ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ---------------------------------------------------- # This file is a POST PROCESSOR for Robot Offline Programming to generate programs # for a Universal Robot with RoboDK # # To edit/test this POST PROCESSOR script file: # Select "Program"->"Add/Edit Post Processor", then select your post or create a new one. # You can edit this file using any text editor or Python editor. Using a Python editor allows to quickly evaluate a sample program at the end of this file. # Python should be automatically installed with RoboDK # # You can also edit the POST PROCESSOR manually: # 1- Open the *.py file with Python IDLE (right click -> Edit with IDLE) # 2- Make the necessary changes # 3- Run the file to open Python Shell: Run -> Run module (F5 by default) # 4- The "test_post()" function is called automatically # Alternatively, you can edit this file using a text editor and run it with Python # # To use a POST PROCESSOR file you must place the *.py file in "C:/RoboDK/Posts/" # To select one POST PROCESSOR for your robot in RoboDK you must follow these steps: # 1- Open the robot panel (double click a robot) # 2- Select "Parameters" # 3- Select "Unlock advanced options" # 4- Select your post as the file name in the "Robot brand" box # # To delete an existing POST PROCESSOR script, simply delete this file (.py file) # # ---------------------------------------------------- # More information about RoboDK Post Processors and Offline Programming here: # https://robodk.com/help#PostProcessor # https://robodk.com/doc/en/PythonAPI/postprocessor.html # ---------------------------------------------------- DEFAULT_HEADER_SCRIPT = """ #-------------------------- # Add any default subprograms here # For example, to drive a gripper as a program call: # def Gripper_Open(): # ... # end # # Example to drive a spray gun: def SprayOn(value): # use the value as an output: DO_SPRAY = 5 if value == 0: set_standard_digital_out(DO_SPRAY, False) else: set_standard_digital_out(DO_SPRAY, True) end end # Example to drive an extruder: def Extruder(value): # use the value as an output: if value < 0: # stop extruder else: # start extruder end end # Example to move an external axis def MoveAxis(value): # use the value as an output: DO_AXIS_1 = 1 DI_AXIS_1 = 1 if value <= 0: set_standard_digital_out(DO_AXIS_1, False) # Wait for digital input to change state #while (get_standard_digital_in(DI_AXIS_1) != False): # sync() #end else: set_standard_digital_out(DO_AXIS_1, True) # Wait for digital input to change state #while (get_standard_digital_in(DI_AXIS_1) != True): # sync() #end end end #-------------------------- """ #SCRIPT_URP = ''' # # # # # # # #''' #SCRIPT_URP = ''' # # # # # # # #''' # SCRIPT_URP = ''' ''' def get_safe_name(progname): """Get a safe program name""" for c in r'-[]/\;,><&*:%=+@!#^|?^': progname = progname.replace(c,'') if len(progname) <= 0: progname = 'Program' if progname[0].isdigit(): progname = 'P' + progname return progname # ---------------------------------------------------- # Import RoboDK tools from robodk import * # ---------------------------------------------------- import socket import struct # UR information for real time control and monitoring # Byte shifts for the real time packet: UR_GET_RUNTIME_MODE = 132*8-4 RUNTIME_CANCELLED = 0 RUNTIME_READY = 1 RUNTIME_BUSY = 2 RUNTIME_MODE_MSG = [] RUNTIME_MODE_MSG.append("Operation cancelled") #0 RUNTIME_MODE_MSG.append("Ready") #1 RUNTIME_MODE_MSG.append("Running") #2 # Running or Jogging # Get packet size according to the byte array def UR_packet_size(buf): if len(buf) < 4: return 0 return struct.unpack_from("!i", buf, 0)[0] # Check if a packet is complete def UR_packet_check(buf): msg_sz = UR_packet_size(buf) if len(buf) < msg_sz: print("Incorrect packet size %i vs %i" % (msg_sz, len(buf))) return False return True # Get specific information from a packet def UR_packet_value(buf, offset, nval=6): if len(buf) < offset+nval: print("Not available offset (maybe older Polyscope version?): %i - %i" % (len(buf), offset)) return None format = '!' for i in range(nval): format+='d' return list(struct.unpack_from(format, buf, offset)) #return list(struct.unpack_from("!dddddd", buf, offset)) ROBOT_PROGRAM_ERROR = -1 ROBOT_NOT_CONNECTED = 0 ROBOT_OK = 1 def GetErrorMsg(rec_bytes): idx_error = -1 try: idx_error = rec_bytes.index(b'error') except: return None if idx_error >= 0: idx_error_end = min(idx_error + 20, len(rec_bytes)) try: idx_error_end = rec_bytes.index(b'\0',idx_error) except: return "Unknown error" return rec_bytes[idx_error:idx_error_end].decode("utf-8") def UR_SendProgramRobot(robot_ip, data): print("POPUP: Connecting to robot...") sys.stdout.flush() robot_socket = socket.create_connection((robot_ip, 30002)) print("POPUP: Sending program..") sys.stdout.flush() robot_socket.send(data) print("POPUP: Sending program...") sys.stdout.flush() pause(1) received = robot_socket.recv(4096) robot_socket.close() if received: #print("POPUP: Program running") #print(str(received)) sys.stdout.flush() error_msg = GetErrorMsg(received) if error_msg: print("POPUP: Robot response: " + error_msg + "") sys.stdout.flush() pause(5) return ROBOT_PROGRAM_ERROR else: print("POPUP: Program sent. The program should be running on the robot.") sys.stdout.flush() return ROBOT_OK else: print("POPUP: Robot connection problems...") sys.stdout.flush() pause(2) return ROBOT_NOT_CONNECTED # Monitor thread to retrieve information from the robot def UR_Wait_Ready(robot_ip, percent_cmpl): RUNTIME_MODE_LAST = -1 while True: print("Connecting to robot %s:%i" % (robot_ip, 30003)) rt_socket = socket.create_connection((robot_ip, 30003)) print("Connected") buf = b'' while True: more = rt_socket.recv(4096) if more: buf = buf + more if UR_packet_check(buf): packet_len = UR_packet_size(buf) packet, buf = buf[:packet_len], buf[packet_len:] RUNTIME_MODE = round(UR_packet_value(packet, UR_GET_RUNTIME_MODE, 1)[0]) if RUNTIME_MODE_LAST != RUNTIME_MODE: RUNTIME_MODE_LAST = RUNTIME_MODE if RUNTIME_MODE < len(RUNTIME_MODE_MSG): print("POPUP: Robot " + RUNTIME_MODE_MSG[RUNTIME_MODE] + " (transfer in progress, %.1f%% completed)" % percent_cmpl) sys.stdout.flush() else: print("POPUP: Robot Status Unknown (%.i)" % RUNTIME_MODE + " (transfer %.1f%% completed)" % percent_cmpl) sys.stdout.flush() if RUNTIME_MODE == RUNTIME_READY: rt_socket.close() return True rt_socket.close() return False def pose_2_ur(pose): """Calculate the p[x,y,z,rx,ry,rz] position for a pose target""" NUMERIC_TOLERANCE = 1e-8; def saturate_1(value): return min(max(value,-1.0),1.0) angle = acos( saturate_1((pose[0,0]+pose[1,1]+pose[2,2]-1)/2) ) rxyz = [pose[2,1]-pose[1,2], pose[0,2]-pose[2,0], pose[1,0]-pose[0,1]] if angle < NUMERIC_TOLERANCE: rxyz = [0,0,0] else: sin_angle = sin(angle) if abs(sin_angle) < NUMERIC_TOLERANCE: d3 = [pose[0,0],pose[1,1],pose[2,2]] mx = max(d3) mx_id = d3.index(mx) if mx_id == 0: rxyz = [pose[0,0]+1, pose[1,0] , pose[2,0] ] elif mx_id == 1: rxyz = [pose[0,1] , pose[1,1]+1, pose[2,1] ] else: rxyz = [pose[0,2] , pose[1,2] , pose[2,2]+1] rxyz = mult3(rxyz, angle/(sqrt(max(0,2*(1+mx))))) else: rxyz = normalize3(rxyz) rxyz = mult3(rxyz, angle) return [pose[0,3], pose[1,3], pose[2,3], rxyz[0], rxyz[1], rxyz[2]] def pose_2_str(pose): """Prints a pose target""" [x,y,z,w,p,r] = pose_2_ur(pose) MM_2_M = 0.001 return ('p[%.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f]' % (x*MM_2_M,y*MM_2_M,z*MM_2_M,w,p,r)) def angles_2_str(angles): """Prints a joint target""" njoints = len(angles) d2r = pi/180.0 if njoints == 6: return ('[%.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f]' % (angles[0]*d2r, angles[1]*d2r, angles[2]*d2r, angles[3]*d2r, angles[4]*d2r, angles[5]*d2r)) else: return 'this post only supports 6 joints' def circle_radius(p0,p1,p2): a = norm(subs3(p0,p1)) b = norm(subs3(p1,p2)) c = norm(subs3(p2,p0)) radius = a*b*c/sqrt(pow(a*a+b*b+c*c,2)-2*(pow(a,4)+pow(b,4)+pow(c,4))) return radius #def distance_p1_p02(p0,p1,p2): # v01 = subs3(p1, p0) # v02 = subs3(p2, p0) # return dot(v02,v01)/dot(v02,v02) # ---------------------------------------------------- # Object class that handles the robot instructions/syntax class RobotPost(object): """Robot post object""" # Set to True to use MoveP, set to False to use MoveL USE_MOVEP = False # Set to True to use the reference frame as a pose and pose_trans to premultiply all targets # Set to False to output all targets with respect to the robot base USE_RELATIVE_TARGETS = True # If True, it will attempt to upload using SFTP. It requires PYSFTP (pip install pysftp. Important: It requires Visual Studio Community C++ 10.0) UPLOAD_SFTP = False # default speed for linear moves in m/s SPEED_MS = 0.250 # default speed for joint moves in rad/s SPEED_RADS = 0.75 # default acceleration for lineaer moves in m/ss ACCEL_MSS = 1.2 # default acceleration for joint moves in rad/ss ACCEL_RADSS = 1.2 # default blend radius in meters (corners smoothing) BLEND_RADIUS_M = 0.001 # 5000 # Maximum number of lines per program. If the number of lines is exceeded, the program will be executed step by step by RoboDK MAX_LINES_X_PROG = 1e9 # minimum circle radius to output (in mm). It does not take into account the Blend radius MOVEC_MIN_RADIUS = 1 # maximum circle radius to output (in mm). It does not take into account the Blend radius MOVEC_MAX_RADIUS = 10000 # Maximum speeds and accelerations allowed by the controller (otherwise it throws a speed error) MAX_SPEED_MS = 3.0 MAX_SPEED_DEGS = 180 MAX_ACCEL_MSS = 15.0 MAX_ACCEL_DEGSS = 2291.8 #-------------------------------- PROG_EXT = 'script' # set the program extension REF_FRAME = eye(4) # default reference frame (the robot reference frame) LAST_POS_ABS = None # last XYZ position # other variables ROBOT_POST = 'unset' ROBOT_NAME = 'generic' PROG_FILES = [] MAIN_PROGNAME = 'unknown' nPROGS = 0 PROG = [] PROG_LIST = [] VARS = [] VARS_LIST = [] SUBPROG = [] TAB = '' LOG = '' def __init__(self, robotpost=None, robotname=None, robot_axes = 6, **kwargs): self.ROBOT_POST = robotpost self.ROBOT_NAME = robotname if "UR3e" in robotname: # UR3e is slightly faster self.MAX_SPEED_DEGS = 360 self.MAX_ACCEL_DEGSS = 4583.7 for k,v in kwargs.items(): if k == 'lines_x_prog': self.MAX_LINES_X_PROG = v def ProgStart(self, progname): progname = FilterName(progname) self.nPROGS = self.nPROGS + 1 if self.nPROGS <= 1: self.TAB = '' # Create global variables: self.vars_update() self.MAIN_PROGNAME = progname else: self.addline('# Subprogram %s' % progname) self.addline('def %s():' % progname) self.TAB = ' ' def ProgFinish(self, progname): progname = FilterName(progname) self.TAB = '' if self.nPROGS <= 1: self.addline('# End of main program') else: self.addline('end') self.addline('') def ProgSave(self, folder, progname, ask_user = False, show_result = False): progname = FilterName(progname) progname = progname + '.script'# + self.PROG_EXT if ask_user or not DirExists(folder): filesave = getSaveFile(folder, progname, 'Save program as...') if filesave is not None: filesave = filesave.name else: return else: filesave = folder + '/' + progname self.prog_2_list() fid = open(filesave, "w") # Create main program call: fid.write('def %s():\n' % self.MAIN_PROGNAME) # Add global parameters: fid.write(' # Global parameters:\n') for line in self.VARS_LIST[0]: fid.write(' ' + line+ '\n') #fid.write(' \n') fid.write(' ') # Add a custom header if desired: fid.write(DEFAULT_HEADER_SCRIPT) fid.write(' \n') # Add the suprograms that are being used in RoboDK for line in self.SUBPROG: fid.write(' ' + line + '\n') fid.write(' \n') # Add the main code: fid.write(' # Main program:\n') for prog in self.PROG_LIST: for line in prog: fid.write(' ' + line + '\n') fid.write('end\n\n') fid.write('%s()\n' % self.MAIN_PROGNAME) fid.close() print('SAVED: %s\n' % filesave) # tell RoboDK the path of the saved file self.PROG_FILES = filesave #---------------------------- SAVE URP (GZIP compressed XML file)------------------------- filesave_urp = filesave[:-7] #+'.urp' fid = open(filesave, "r") prog_final = fid.read() fid.close() try: from html import escape # python 3.x except ImportError: from cgi import escape # python 2.x prog_final_ok = escape(prog_final) self.PROG_XML = SCRIPT_URP % (self.MAIN_PROGNAME, prog_final_ok, self.MAIN_PROGNAME+'.script') # Comment next line to force transfer of the SCRIPT file #self.PROG_FILES = filesave_urp import gzip import os with gzip.open(filesave_urp, 'wb') as fid_gz: fid_gz.write(self.PROG_XML.encode('utf-8')) try: os.remove(filesave_urp+'.urp') except OSError: pass os.rename(filesave_urp, filesave_urp+'.urp') #print('SAVED: %s\n' % filesave_urp) # tell RoboDK the path of the saved file #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # open file with default application if show_result: if type(show_result) is str: # Open file with provided application import subprocess p = subprocess.Popen([show_result, filesave]) elif type(show_result) is list: import subprocess p = subprocess.Popen(show_result + [filesave]) else: # open file with default application os.startfile(filesave) if len(self.LOG) > 0: mbox('Program generation LOG:\n\n' + self.LOG) #if len(self.PROG_LIST) > 1: # mbox("Warning! The program " + progname + " is too long and directly running it on the robot controller might be slow. It is better to run it form RoboDK.") def ProgSendRobot(self, robot_ip, remote_path, ftp_user, ftp_pass): """Send a program to the robot using the provided parameters. This method is executed right after ProgSave if we selected the option "Send Program to Robot". The connection parameters must be provided in the robot connection menu of RoboDK""" #UploadFTP(self.PROG_FILES, robot_ip, remote_path, ftp_user, ftp_pass) #return nprogs = len(self.PROG_LIST) for i in range(nprogs): # Prepare next program execution: send_str = '' send_str += ('def %s():\n' % self.MAIN_PROGNAME) # Add global parameters: send_str += (' # Global parameters:\n') for line in self.VARS_LIST[i]: send_str += (' ' + line + '\n') send_str += (' \n') # Add a custom header if desired: send_str += (DEFAULT_HEADER_SCRIPT) send_str += (' \n') for line in self.SUBPROG: send_str += ' ' + line+ '\n' send_str += (' \n') # Add the main code: send_str += (' # Main program:\n') for line in self.PROG_LIST[i]: send_str += ' ' + line send_str += '\n' send_str += 'end\n\n' send_str += '%s()\n' % self.MAIN_PROGNAME send_bytes = str.encode(send_str) # Wait until the robot is ready: while i > 0 and not UR_Wait_Ready(robot_ip, i*100.0/nprogs): print("POPUP: Connect robot to run the program program...") sys.stdout.flush() pause(2) # Send script to the robot: #print(send_str) #input("POPUP: Enter to continue") status = UR_SendProgramRobot(robot_ip, send_bytes) while ROBOT_NOT_CONNECTED == status: print("POPUP: Connect robot to transfer program...") sys.stdout.flush() pause(2) status = UR_SendProgramRobot(robot_ip, send_bytes) if status == ROBOT_PROGRAM_ERROR: print("POPUP: Program Error. Running program from the computer Aborted.") sys.stdout.flush() pause(2) return def blend_radius_check(self, pose_abs, ratio_check=0.4): # check that the blend radius covers 40% of the move (at most) blend_radius = 'blend_radius_m' #return blend_radius current_pos = pose_abs.Pos() if self.LAST_POS_ABS is None: blend_radius = '0' else: distance = norm(subs3(self.LAST_POS_ABS, current_pos)) # in mm if ratio_check*distance < self.BLEND_RADIUS_M*1000: blend_radius = '%.3f' % (round(ratio_check*distance*0.001,3)) #self.LAST_POS_ABS = current_pos return blend_radius def MoveJ(self, pose, joints, conf_RLF=None): """Add a joint movement""" if pose is None: blend_radius = "0" self.LAST_POS_ABS = None else: pose_abs = self.REF_FRAME*pose blend_radius = self.blend_radius_check(pose_abs) self.LAST_POS_ABS = pose_abs.Pos() if len(joints) < 6: self.RunMessage('Move axes to: ' + angles_2_str(joints)) else: self.addline('movej(%s,accel_radss,speed_rads,0,%s)' % (angles_2_str(joints), blend_radius)) def MoveL(self, pose, joints, conf_RLF=None): """Add a linear movement""" # Movement in joint space or Cartesian space should give the same result: # pose_wrt_base = self.REF_FRAME*pose # self.addline('movel(%s,accel_mss,speed_ms,0,blend_radius_m)' % (pose_2_str(pose_wrt_base))) if pose is None: blend_radius = "0" self.LAST_POS = None target = angles_2_str(joints) else: pose_abs = self.REF_FRAME*pose blend_radius = self.blend_radius_check(pose_abs) target = pose_2_str(pose_abs) self.LAST_POS_ABS = pose_abs.Pos() if self.USE_RELATIVE_TARGETS: target = "pose_trans(ref_frame,%s)" % target if self.USE_MOVEP: self.addline('movep(%s,accel_mss,speed_ms,%s)' % (target, blend_radius)) else: self.addline('movel(%s,accel_mss,speed_ms,0,%s)' % (target, blend_radius)) def MoveC(self, pose1, joints1, pose2, joints2, conf_RLF_1=None, conf_RLF_2=None): """Add a circular movement""" pose1_abs = self.REF_FRAME*pose1 pose2_abs = self.REF_FRAME*pose2 p0 = self.LAST_POS_ABS p1 = pose1_abs.Pos() p2 = pose2_abs.Pos() if p0 is None: self.MoveL(pose2, joints2, conf_RLF_2) return radius = circle_radius(p0, p1, p2) print("MoveC Radius: " + str(radius) + " mm") if radius < self.MOVEC_MIN_RADIUS or radius > self.MOVEC_MAX_RADIUS: self.MoveL(pose2, joints2, conf_RLF_2) return blend_radius = self.blend_radius_check(pose1_abs, 0.2) #blend_radius = '%.3f' % (0.001*radius) #'0' #blend_radius = '0' self.LAST_POS_ABS = pose2_abs.Pos() target1 = pose_2_str(pose1_abs) target2 = pose_2_str(pose2_abs) if self.USE_RELATIVE_TARGETS: target1 = "pose_trans(ref_frame,%s)" % target1 target2 = "pose_trans(ref_frame,%s)" % target2 #self.addline('movec(%s,%s,accel_mss,speed_ms,%s)' % (angles_2_str(joints1),angles_2_str(joints2), blend_radius)) self.addline('movec(%s,%s,accel_mss,speed_ms,%s)' % (target1, target2, blend_radius)) def setFrame(self, pose, frame_id=None, frame_name=None): """Change the robot reference frame""" # the reference frame is not needed if we use joint space for joint and linear movements # the reference frame is also not needed if we use cartesian moves with respect to the robot base frame # the cartesian targets must be pre-multiplied by the active reference frame if self.USE_RELATIVE_TARGETS: self.REF_FRAME = eye(4) self.addline('ref_frame = %s' % pose_2_str(pose)) else: self.REF_FRAME = pose self.addline('# set_reference(%s)' % pose_2_str(pose)) def setTool(self, pose, tool_id=None, tool_name=None): """Change the robot TCP""" self.addline('set_tcp(%s)' % pose_2_str(pose)) #self.addline('set_payload(1.4, [-0.1181, -0.1181, 0.03])') #self.addline('set_gravity([0.0, 0.0, 9.82]))') #if 'Tool 1' in tool_name: #self.addline('set_payload(1.4, [-0.1181, -0.1181, 0.03])') def Pause(self, time_ms): """Pause the robot program""" if time_ms <= 0: self.addline('halt() # reimplement this function to force stop') else: self.addline('sleep(%.3f)' % (time_ms*0.001)) def setSpeed(self, speed_mms): """Changes the robot speed (in mm/s)""" #if speed_mms < 999.9: # self.USE_MOVEP = True #else: # self.USE_MOVEP = False self.SPEED_MS = min(self.MAX_SPEED_MS, speed_mms/1000.0) self.addline('speed_ms = %.3f' % self.SPEED_MS) def setAcceleration(self, accel_mmss): """Changes the robot acceleration (in mm/s2)""" self.ACCEL_MSS = min(self.MAX_ACCEL_MSS, accel_mmss/1000.0) self.addline('accel_mss = %.3f' % self.ACCEL_MSS) def setSpeedJoints(self, speed_degs): """Changes the robot joint speed (in deg/s)""" self.SPEED_RADS = min(self.MAX_SPEED_DEGS, speed_degs)*pi/180 self.addline('speed_rads = %.3f' % self.SPEED_RADS) def setAccelerationJoints(self, accel_degss): """Changes the robot joint acceleration (in deg/s2)""" self.ACCEL_RADSS = min(self.MAX_ACCEL_DEGSS, accel_degss)*pi/180 self.addline('accel_radss = %.3f' % self.ACCEL_RADSS) def setZoneData(self, zone_mm): """Changes the zone data approach (makes the movement more smooth)""" if zone_mm < 0: zone_mm = 0 self.BLEND_RADIUS_M = zone_mm / 1000.0 self.addline('blend_radius_m = %.3f' % self.BLEND_RADIUS_M) def setDO(self, io_var, io_value): """Set a Digital Output""" if type(io_value) != str: # set default variable value if io_value is a number if io_value > 0: io_value = 'True' else: io_value = 'False' if type(io_var) != str: # set default variable name if io_var is a number # if io_var < 10 use Standard Digital Output if io_var < 10: newline = 'set_standard_digital_out(%s, %s)' % (str(io_var), io_value) # if io_var >= 20 use Tool Digital Output elif io_var < 20: io_var = io_var - 10 newline = 'set_tool_digital_out(%s, %s)' % (str(io_var), io_value) # if io_var >= 20 use Configurable Digital Output else: io_var = io_var - 20 newline = 'set_configurable_digital_out(%s, %s)' % (str(io_var), io_value) else: newline = '%s = %s' % (io_var, io_value) self.addline(newline) def setAO(self, io_var, io_value): """Set an Analog Output""" if type(io_value) != str: # set default variable value if io_value is a number io_value = str(io_value) if type(io_var) != str: # set default variable name if io_var is a number newline = 'set_standard_analog_out(%s, %s)' % (str(io_var), io_value) else: newline = '%s = %s' % (io_var, io_value) self.addline(newline) def waitDI(self, io_var, io_value, timeout_ms=-1): """Waits for an input io_var to attain a given value io_value. Optionally, a timeout can be provided.""" if type(io_var) != str: # set default variable name if io_var is a number # if io_var < 10 use Standard Digital input if io_var < 10: io_var = 'get_standard_digital_in(%s)' % str(io_var) elif io_var < 20: io_var = io_var - 10 newline = 'get_tool_digital_in(%s)' % str(io_var)) # if io_var >= 10 use Configurable Digital input else: io_var = io_var - 20 io_var = 'get_configurable_digital_in(%s)' % str(io_var) if type(io_value) != str: # set default variable value if io_value is a number if io_value > 0: io_value = 'True' else: io_value = 'False' # at this point, io_var and io_value must be string values #if timeout_ms < 0: self.addline('while (%s != %s):' % (io_var, io_value)) self.addline(' sync()') self.addline('end') def RunCode(self, code, is_function_call = False): """Adds code or a function call""" if is_function_call: code = FilterName(code) if code.lower() == "usemovel": self.USE_MOVEP = False return elif code.lower() == "usemovep": self.USE_MOVEP = True return if not code.endswith(')'): code = code + '()' self.addline(code) else: if not '\n' in code: self.addline(code) else: for line in code.split('\n'): self.addline(line) #self.addline('# ' + code) #generate custom code as a comment def RunMessage(self, message, iscomment = False): """Show a message on the controller screen""" if iscomment: self.addline('# ' + message) else: self.addline('popup("%s","Message",False,False,blocking=False)' % message) # ------------------ private ---------------------- def vars_update(self): # Generate global variables for this program self.VARS = [] self.VARS.append('global speed_ms = %.3f' % self.SPEED_MS) self.VARS.append('global speed_rads = %.3f' % self.SPEED_RADS) self.VARS.append('global accel_mss = %.3f' % self.ACCEL_MSS) self.VARS.append('global accel_radss = %.3f' % self.ACCEL_RADSS) self.VARS.append('global blend_radius_m = %.3f' % self.BLEND_RADIUS_M) if self.USE_RELATIVE_TARGETS: self.VARS.append('global ref_frame = p[0,0,0,0,0,0]') def prog_2_list(self): if len(self.PROG) > 1: self.PROG_LIST.append(self.PROG) self.PROG = [] self.VARS_LIST.append(self.VARS) self.VARS = [] self.vars_update() def addline(self, newline): """Add a program line""" if self.nPROGS <= 1: if len(self.PROG) > self.MAX_LINES_X_PROG: self.prog_2_list() self.PROG.append(self.TAB + newline) else: self.SUBPROG.append(self.TAB + newline) def addlog(self, newline): """Add a log message""" self.LOG = self.LOG + newline + '\n' # ------------------------------------------------- # ------------ For testing purposes --------------- def Pose(xyzrpw): [x,y,z,r,p,w] = xyzrpw a = r*math.pi/180 b = p*math.pi/180 c = w*math.pi/180 ca = math.cos(a) sa = math.sin(a) cb = math.cos(b) sb = math.sin(b) cc = math.cos(c) sc = math.sin(c) return Mat([[cb*ca, ca*sc*sb - cc*sa, sc*sa + cc*ca*sb, x],[cb*sa, cc*ca + sc*sb*sa, cc*sb*sa - ca*sc, y],[-sb, cb*sc, cc*cb, z],[0,0,0,1]]) def test_post(): """Test the post with a basic program""" robot = RobotPost('Universal Robotics', 'Generic UR robot') robot.ProgStart("Program") robot.RunMessage("Program generated by RoboDK", True) robot.setFrame(Pose([807.766544, -963.699898, 41.478944, 0, 0, 0])) robot.setTool(Pose([62.5, -108.253175, 100, -60, 90, 0])) robot.setSpeed(100) # set speed to 100 mm/s robot.setAcceleration(3000) # set speed to 3000 mm/ss robot.MoveJ(Pose([200, 200, 500, 180, 0, 180]), [-46.18419, -6.77518, -20.54925, 71.38674, 49.58727, -302.54752] ) robot.MoveL(Pose([200, 250, 348.734575, 180, 0, -150]), [-41.62707, -8.89064, -30.01809, 60.62329, 49.66749, -258.98418] ) robot.MoveL(Pose([200, 200, 262.132034, 180, 0, -150]), [-43.73892, -3.91728, -35.77935, 58.57566, 54.11615, -253.81122] ) robot.RunMessage("Setting air valve 1 on") robot.RunCode("TCP_On", True) robot.Pause(1000) robot.MoveL(Pose([200, 250, 348.734575, 180, 0, -150]), [-41.62707, -8.89064, -30.01809, 60.62329, 49.66749, -258.98418] ) robot.MoveL(Pose([250, 300, 278.023897, 180, 0, -150]), [-37.52588, -6.32628, -34.59693, 53.52525, 49.24426, -251.44677] ) robot.MoveL(Pose([250, 250, 191.421356, 180, 0, -150]), [-39.75778, -1.04537, -40.37883, 52.09118, 54.15317, -246.94403] ) robot.RunMessage("Setting air valve off") robot.RunCode("TCP_Off", True) robot.Pause(1000) robot.MoveL(Pose([250, 300, 278.023897, 180, 0, -150]), [-37.52588, -6.32628, -34.59693, 53.52525, 49.24426, -251.44677] ) robot.MoveL(Pose([250, 200, 278.023897, 180, 0, -150]), [-41.85389, -1.95619, -34.89154, 57.43912, 52.34162, -253.73403] ) robot.MoveL(Pose([250, 150, 191.421356, 180, 0, -150]), [-43.82111, 3.29703, -40.29493, 56.02402, 56.61169, -249.23532] ) robot.ProgFinish("Program") # robot.ProgSave(".","Program",True) for line in robot.PROG: print(line) if len(robot.LOG) > 0: mbox('Program generation LOG:\n\n' + robot.LOG) input("Press Enter to close...") if __name__ == "__main__": """Function to call when the module is executed by itself: test""" test_post()