# Copyright 2015-2020 - RoboDK Inc. - https://robodk.com/ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # # # # This is a Python module that allows driving a Mecademic robot. # This Python module can be run directly in console mode to test its functionality. # This module allows communicating with a robot through the command line. # The same commands we can input manually are used by RoboDK to drive the robot from the PC. # RoboDK Drivers are located in /RoboDK/api/Robot/ by default. Drivers can be PY files or EXE files. # # Drivers are modular. They are not part of the RoboDK executable but they must be placed in C:/RoboDK/api/robot/, then, linked in the Connection parameters menu: # 1. right click a robot in RoboDK, then, select "Connect to robot". # 2. In the "More options" menu it is possible to update the location and name of the driver. # Driver linking is automatic for currently available drivers. # # Alternatively to the standard programming methods (where a program is generated, then, transferred to the robot and executed) it is possible to run a program simulation directly on the robot # The robot movement in the simulator is then synchronized with the real robot. # Programs generated from RoboDK can be run on the robot by right clicking the program, then selecting "Run on robot". # Example: # https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCD--kokh4s # # Example of an online programming project: # https://robodk.com/blog/online-programming/ # # It is possible to control the movement of a robot from the RoboDK API (for example, from a Python or C# program using the RoboDK API). # The same code is used to simulate and optionally move the real robot. # Example: # https://robodk.com/offline-programming # # To establish connection from RoboDK API: # https://robodk.com/doc/en/PythonAPI/robolink.html#robolink.Item.ConnectSafe # # Example of a quick manual test in console mode: # User entry: CONNECT # Response: SMS:Response from the robot or failure to connect # Response: SMS:Ready # User entry: MOVJ 10 20 30 40 50 60 # Response: SMS:Working... # Response: SMS:Ready # User entry: CJNT # Response: SMS:Working... # Response: JNTS: 10 20 30 40 50 60 # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import sys import time import socket import threading try: # Python3 import queue except ImportError: # Python2 import Queue as queue # MECA_R_VERSION should be 1 or 2 for older Meca robots MECA_R_VERSION = 3 # Time to wait for a reply. Increase this value if network requires it TIME_WAIT_RESPONSE = 0.2 # Automatically clear errors so that we can continue to work with the Meca robot AUTO_RESET_ERRORS = True # Remember the last robot message global LAST_ROBOT_MSG LAST_ROBOT_MSG = "None" lockstdout = threading.Lock() # protect stdout #----------- Communication class for the Mecademic robot ------------- def msg_info(robot_msg): global LAST_ROBOT_MSG LAST_ROBOT_MSG = robot_msg if robot_msg is None: return False, -1, "No communication" problems = False msg_id = int(robot_msg[1:5]) msg_str = robot_msg[7:-2] # msg_id = 1000 to 1500 are error codes if msg_id < 1500: problems = True else: # Other error codes error_codes = [3001, 3003] if msg_id in error_codes: problems = True if problems: print_message("Unexpected error message:") print_message(msg_str) return problems, msg_id, msg_str #def WaitJointsMonitor(): # """Warning, this does not account for the incoming buffer!""" # import time # with lockstdout: # global ROBOT_MONITOR_LAST_JOINTS # ROBOT_MONITOR_LAST_JOINTS = None # # # Wait until we get more joints # while ROBOT_MONITOR_LAST_JOINTS is None: # time.sleep(0.001) def joints_error(j1, j2): if type(j1) is str: j1 = [float(x) for x in j1.split(" ")] error = -1 nj = min(len(j1), len(j2)) for i in range(nj): error = max(error, abs(j1[i]-j2[i])) return error # This class handles communication between this driver (PC) and the Meca robot class MecaRobot: """Robot class for programming Mecademic robots""" LAST_MSG = "" # Keep a copy of the last message received CONNECTED = False # Connection status is known at all times # This is executed when the object is created def __init__(self): self.BUFFER_SIZE = 5120 # bytes self.TIMEOUT = 60 # seconds # End of block can take a long time if we buffer the movements self.PACKET_COUNT = int(0) self.Rounding = 0 #self.TIMEOUT = 10 # seconds self.sock = None self.sockjnts = None def __del__(self): self.disconnect() # Disconnect from robot def disconnect(self): self.CONNECTED = False if self.sock != None: #self.sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) self.sock.close() print_message('Connection closed') self.sock = None while self.sockjnts is not None: time.sleep(0.001) # Give some time for the monitoring thread to stop #time.sleep(0.2) #if self.sockjnts != None: # #self.sockjnts.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) # self.sockjnts.close() # self.sockjnts = None UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_DISCONNECTED) return True def Stop(self): global ROBOT_MOVING ROBOT_MOVING = False return self.Run("ClearMotion", None, False, True) # Connect to robot def connect(self, ip, port=10000): # This pause provokes required TCP flushing and it may be required for older Meca robots pause_com = 0.0 # 0.1 global ROBOT_MOVING self.disconnect() print_message('Connecting to robot %s:%i' % (ip, port)) # Create new socket connection self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.settimeout(4) self.sockjnts = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sockjnts.settimeout(4) UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) # Communication ports for Mecademic are 10000 and 10001 self.sock.connect((ip, port)) self.CONNECTED = True ROBOT_MOVING = False print_message('Waiting for welcome message...') UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) #time.sleep(2) # receive welcome message and output to the log problems, msg_id, msg_str = msg_info(self.recv_str()) if problems: self.disconnect() return False # notify status that the robot is still working UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) # send activate robot and read confirmation self.sock.settimeout(10) print_message('Reset errors...') import time time.sleep(pause_com) self.Run('ResetError', sync=True, send_ready=False) print_message('Activating robot...') time.sleep(pause_com) self.Run('ActivateRobot', sync=True, send_ready=False) self.sock.settimeout(30) print_message('Moving home...') time.sleep(pause_com) self.Run('Home', sync=True, send_ready=False) self.sock.settimeout(4) #self.Run('ClearMotion', sync=True, send_ready=False)#stop motion # RoboDK provides xyzwpr data for the TCP with respect to the robot reference frame for linear movements if MECA_R_VERSION >= 3: self.Run('ResumeMotion', sync=True, send_ready=False) time.sleep(pause_com) print_message('Updating TRF...') time.sleep(pause_com) # This may not be 100% needed # Important: sync must be set to false self.Run('SetTRF', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], sync=False, send_ready=False) # Important! It does not always return an answer! sync should be false print_message('Updating WRF...') time.sleep(pause_com) # Important: sync must be set to false self.Run('SetWRF', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], sync=False, send_ready=False) # Synchronization required! #time.sleep(0.25) self.Run('GetStatusRobot', sync=True, send_ready=True) self.sock.settimeout(self.TIMEOUT) self.sockjnts.connect((ip, 10001)) q = queue.Queue() t = threading.Thread(target=robot_monitor, args=(q, self)) t.daemon = True t.start() return True # Send a line to the robot through the communication port (TCP/IP) def send_str(self, msg): try: sent = self.sock.send(bytes(msg+'\0','ascii')) if sent == 0: return False return True except ConnectionAbortedError as e: self.CONNECTED = False print_message("Connection aborted when sending data") print_message(str(e)) return False except Exception as e: print_message(str(e)) print_message("Connection problems (1)") return False # Receive a line from the robot through the communication port (TCP/IP) def recv_str(self): bdata = b'' try: #start_wait = time.time() #while (time.time()-start_wait) < self.TIMEOUT # bdata = self.sock.recv(self.BUFFER_SIZE) # break #self.PACKET_COUNT = self.PACKET_COUNT + 1 bdata = self.sock.recv(self.BUFFER_SIZE) except ConnectionAbortedError as e: self.CONNECTED = False print_message("Connection aborted while waiting for data") print_message(str(e)) return None except Exception as e: print_message(str(e)) print_message("Connection problems (2)") return None if bdata == b'': return None self.LAST_MSG = bdata.decode('ascii') return self.LAST_MSG def Synchronize(self): # Force synchronization self.Run('Delay', 0, sync=True) # Run a specific command and provide required parameters def Run(self, cmd, values=None, send_ready=True, sync=None): if sync is None: sync = self.Rounding <= 0 # Skip the command if the robot is not connected if not self.CONNECTED: UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_NOT_CONNECTED) return if isinstance(values, list): str_send = cmd + '(' + (','.join(format(vi, ".6f") for vi in values)) + ')' elif values is None: str_send = cmd else: str_send = cmd + '(' + str(values) + ')' #---------- Send robot command ------- # Notify RoboDK (debug only) # print('Sending: %s' % str_send) UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) # Try to send the command if self.send_str(str_send) is False: print_message("Robot connection broken") UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_NOT_CONNECTED) return False #if self.Rounding > 0 and cmd.startswith("Move"): # UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_READY) # return True if not sync: if send_ready: UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_READY) return True # It is important to wait for the response when it is needed time.sleep(TIME_WAIT_RESPONSE) # Try to receive a response robot_msg = self.recv_str() if self.LAST_MSG is None: print_message("Robot connection broken") UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_NOT_CONNECTED) return False problems, msg_id, msg_str = msg_info(robot_msg) if problems: print(msg_str) if AUTO_RESET_ERRORS: self.Run('ResetError', sync=True, send_ready=False) self.Run('ResumeMotion', sync=True, send_ready=False) #self.Run(LAST_SPEED_CMD, sync=True, send_ready=False) else: self.disconnect() return False # Support for old and new versions if msg_id == 2026 or msg_id == 2102: # robot response after a GetJoints request # [2026][j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6] print_joints(msg_str.replace(',',' ')) UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_READY) return True # Any other acknowledge message (assumed to be successful) # By default, we will send the command Ready at every instruction (one Run per instruction in general) # print(robot_msg) if send_ready: UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_READY) else: # Save the Ready status to send later and notify RoboDK that the instruction was completed global STATUS STATUS = ROBOTCOM_READY return True # Receives a string through TCP/IP. It reads until if finds NULL character def read_line(socket): string = b'' chari = socket.recv(1) while chari != b'\0': # read until NULL string = string + chari chari = socket.recv(1) return str(string.decode('ascii')) # python 2 and python 3 compatible # Specific thread to monitor robot communication # This thread establishes a permanent link between the robot and the PC to retrieve the robot position at all times # The robot position is displayed only when the robot is executing a motion command # When the communication link is broken it will notify the user def robot_monitor(q, robot): try: count = 0 while robot.sockjnts: if robot.sock is None: # Stop monitoring and stop connection robot.sockjnts.close() robot.sockjnts = None break bdata = b'' robot_msg = read_line(robot.sockjnts) #bdata = robot.sockjnts.recv(512) #if bdata == b'': # print_message("Invalid monitoring response") # return #robot_msg = bdata.decode('ascii') msg_id = int(robot_msg[1:5]) # Support for old and new versions: if msg_id == 3007 or msg_id == 2102 or msg_id == 2026 or msg_id == 2027: # monitoring stream of data: [3007][j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6] joints = robot_msg[7:-1].replace(',',' ') if ROBOT_MOVING: global ROBOT_MONITOR_LAST_JOINTS ROBOT_MONITOR_LAST_JOINTS = joints #count += 1 # Reduce real time monitoring speed! #if count % 2 != 0: # continue # Do not print when we are not moving print_joints(joints, True) elif msg_id == 3010 or msg_id == 2103: # position data is also part of the stream. Ignore # [3010][212.985, -93.965, 34.273, 180.000, -1.967, 63.936] pass elif msg_id == 3000: # Welcome message is: # [3000][Connected to Mecademic Meca500 Robot.] pass else: #print_message(robot_msg) #print_message("Unknown monitoring response") #return pass except Exception as e: import traceback #traceback.print_exc() tb = traceback.format_exc() tb_lines = tb.split("\n") for ln in tb_lines: print_message(ln) print_message(str(e)) print_message("Robot not connected (monitoring stopped)") UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_DISCONNECTED) robot.sockjnts.close() robot.sockjnts = None robot.disconnect() return #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generic RoboDK driver for a specific Robot class global ROBOT global ROBOT_IP global ROBOT_PORT global ROBOT_MOVING global ROBOT_MONITOR_LAST_JOINTS ROBOT = MecaRobot() ROBOT_IP = "" # IP of the robot ROBOT_PORT = 10000 # Communication port of the robot ROBOT_MOVING = False ROBOT_MONITOR_LAST_JOINTS = None global LAST_SPEED_CMD LAST_SPEED_CMD = "SPEED 25 20 10 10" #------------ robot connection ----------------- # Establish connection with the robot def RobotConnect(): # Important: try to first disconnect: RobotDisconnect() global ROBOT global ROBOT_IP # Try to connect try: ROBOT.connect(ROBOT_IP) except ConnectionRefusedError: #print_message("Connection refused. You may need to reboot your Meca robot.") UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_CONNECTION_PROBLEMS) print_message("Connection Refused: Reboot Meca robot.") except ConnectionAbortedError: print_message("Connection aborted") UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_CONNECTION_PROBLEMS) except socket.Timeouterror: print_message("Timed out: Check connection") UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_DISCONNECTED) # Disconnect from the robot def RobotDisconnect(): global ROBOT global ROBOT_MOVING ROBOT_MOVING = False ROBOT.disconnect() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generic RoboDK driver tools # Note, a simple print() will flush information to the log window of the robot connection in RoboDK # Sending a print() might not flush the standard output unless the buffer reaches a certain size def print_message(message): """print_message will display a message in the log window (and the connexion status bar)""" with lockstdout: print("SMS:" + message) sys.stdout.flush() # very useful to update RoboDK as fast as possible def show_message(message): """show_message will display a message in the status bar of the main window""" with lockstdout: print("SMS2:" + message) sys.stdout.flush() # very useful to update RoboDK as fast as possible def print_joints(joints, ismoving = False): with lockstdout: if ismoving: # Display the feedback of the joints when the robot is moving if ROBOT_MOVING: #print("CJNT_MOVING " + " ".join(format(x, ".5f") for x in joints)) # if joints is a list of float if type(joints) is list: joints = " ".join(format(x, ".5f") for x in joints) print("JNTS_MOVING " + joints) else: #print("CJNT " + " ".join(format(x, ".5f") for x in joints)) # if joints is a list of float print("JNTS " + joints) sys.stdout.flush() # very useful to update RoboDK as fast as possible # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constant values to display status using UpdateStatus() ROBOTCOM_UNKNOWN = -1000 ROBOTCOM_CONNECTION_PROBLEMS = -3 ROBOTCOM_DISCONNECTED = -2 ROBOTCOM_NOT_CONNECTED = -1 ROBOTCOM_READY = 0 ROBOTCOM_WORKING = 1 ROBOTCOM_WAITING = 2 # Last robot status is saved global STATUS STATUS = ROBOTCOM_DISCONNECTED # UpdateStatus will send an appropriate message to RoboDK which will result in a specific coloring # for example, Ready will be displayed in green, Waiting... will be displayed in Yellow and other messages will be displayed in red def UpdateStatus(set_status=None): global STATUS if set_status is not None: STATUS = set_status if STATUS == ROBOTCOM_CONNECTION_PROBLEMS: print_message("Connection problems") elif STATUS == ROBOTCOM_DISCONNECTED: print_message("Disconnected") elif STATUS == ROBOTCOM_NOT_CONNECTED: print_message("Not connected") elif STATUS == ROBOTCOM_READY: print_message("Ready") elif STATUS == ROBOTCOM_WORKING: print_message("Working...") elif STATUS == ROBOTCOM_WAITING: print_message("Waiting...") else: print_message("Unknown status") # Sample set of commands that can be provided by RoboDK of through the command line def TestDriver(): RunCommand("CONNECT 10000") RunCommand("SPEED 25.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000") RunCommand("SETTOOL 0.880974 49.590352 37.342132 -2.270258 -0.123840 -0.079650") RunCommand("MOVL 23.933321 36.948136 32.486298 -11.791617 17.962092 43.058274 159.084564 109.719908 35.529720 -179.871303 4.604168 -172.185166") RunCommand("MOVL 24.773539 34.062696 36.005292 -13.268011 15.827428 50.516595 159.084685 109.719766 40.028666 -179.185084 6.225069 -167.133290") RunCommand("MOVL 25.916289 32.957656 39.447083 -18.261736 12.157094 61.819544 159.084805 109.719624 40.028088 -178.643170 7.899817 -162.083289") RunCommand("MOVL 27.382708 32.111304 42.600001 -28.623427 8.842651 78.795525 159.084926 109.719482 40.054517 -178.250391 9.615424 -157.026461") RunCommand("MOVL 29.186574 31.552350 45.424546 -50.249329 6.416209 107.368567 159.085046 109.719340 40.089151 -178.011168 11.358601 -151.953370") RunCommand("MOVL 31.329966 31.340325 47.878821 -84.275270 5.945810 148.693474 159.085167 109.719197 40.035024 -177.929548 13.115766 -146.854035") RunCommand("MOVL 33.798531 31.433843 49.914178 -110.070006 7.657060 182.136949 159.085287 109.719055 40.017686 -178.009198 14.873042 -141.718134") #RunCommand("CJNT") #RunCommand("SETTOOL -0.025 -41.046 50.920 60.000 -0.000 90.000") #RunCommand("MOVJ -5.362010 46.323420 20.746290 74.878840 -50.101680 61.958500") #RunCommand("SPEED 250") #RunCommand("MOVL 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5.362010 50.323420 20.746290 74.878840 -50.101680 61.958500") #RunCommand("PAUSE 2000") # Pause 2 seconds #-------------------------- Main driver loop ----------------------------- # Read STDIN and process each command (infinite loop) # IMPORTANT: This must be run from RoboDK so that RoboDK can properly feed commands through STDIN # This driver can also be run in console mode providing the commands through the console input LISTCMD = [] def RunConsole(): global LISTCMD global STATUS for linecmd in sys.stdin: linecmd = linecmd.strip() if linecmd.startswith("DISCONNECT"): UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) # clear the list and disconnect from robot LISTCMD = [] RobotDisconnect() UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_DISCONNECTED) elif linecmd.startswith("STOP") or linecmd.startswith("s"): # clear the list and disconnect from robot if STATUS != ROBOTCOM_READY: # We can't stop the robot if it is ready UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) LISTCMD = [] def robot_stop(): global ROBOT ROBOT.Stop() robot_stop() # Will send ready on success #threading.Thread(target=robot_stop).start() #import time #time.sleep(0.1) #robot_stop() #RobotConnect() # Reconnect again LISTCMD = [] elif linecmd.startswith("QUIT"): # Stop the driver UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) RobotDisconnect() UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_DISCONNECTED) quit(0) # Stop the driver else: LISTCMD.append(linecmd) def RunDriver(): while True: if len(LISTCMD) > 0: RunCommand(LISTCMD.pop(0)) def RunDriverThread(): t = threading.Thread(target=RunDriver) t.daemon = True t.start() # Each line provided through command line or STDIN will be processed by RunCommand def RunCommand(linecmd): global ROBOT_IP global ROBOT global ROBOT_MOVING # strip a line of words into a list of numbers def line_2_values(words): values = [] for word in words: try: number = float(word) values.append(number) except: pass return values linecmd = linecmd words = linecmd.split(' ') values = line_2_values(words) nvalues = len(values) nwords = len(words) if linecmd == "": # Skip if no command is provided return elif nwords >= 2 and linecmd.startswith("CONNECT"): # Connect to robot provided the IP and the port ROBOT_IP = words[1] if nwords >= 3 and nvalues >= 1 and values[0] != 10000: #ROBOT_PORT = values[0] print("Using default port 10000, not %i" % ROBOT_PORT) RobotConnect() elif nvalues >= 6 and linecmd.startswith("MOVJ"): # Activate the monitor feedback ROBOT_MOVING = True # Execute a joint move. RoboDK provides j1,j2,...,j6,x,y,z,w,p,r joints = list(values[0:6]) if ROBOT.Run('MoveJoints', joints, False): # Make sure we flush all monitoring if joints_error(ROBOT_MONITOR_LAST_JOINTS, joints) > 2: print_message("Warning: Unexpected monitored end joints: " + str(ROBOT_MONITOR_LAST_JOINTS)) print_joints(joints, True) UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_READY) # Make sure we receive joints one last time (cjnt on the spot) #WaitJointsMonitor() elif nvalues >= 12 and linecmd.startswith("MOVL"): # Activate the monitor feedback ROBOT_MOVING = True # Execute a linear move. RoboDK provides j1,j2,...,j6,x,y,z,w,p,r joints = values[0:6] xyzwpr = values[6:12] if ROBOT.Run('MoveLin', xyzwpr): # Make sure we flush all monitoring if joints_error(ROBOT_MONITOR_LAST_JOINTS, joints) < 2: print_joints(joints, True) else: print_message("Warning: Unexpected monitored end joints" + str(ROBOT_MONITOR_LAST_JOINTS)) # Make sure we receive joints one last time (cjnt on the spot) #WaitJointsMonitor() elif linecmd.startswith("CJNT"): # Retrieve the current position of the robot if ROBOT_MONITOR_LAST_JOINTS != None: # Make sure we receive joints one last time (cjnt on the spot) #WaitJointsMonitor() print_joints(ROBOT_MONITOR_LAST_JOINTS) UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_READY) else: ROBOT.Run('GetJoints', sync=True) elif nvalues >= 1 and linecmd.startswith("SPEED"): # First value is linear speed in mm/s # IMPORTANT! We should only send one "Ready" per instruction global LAST_SPEED_CMD LAST_SPEED_CMD = linecmd if values[0] > 0: # make sure we do not exceed maximum speed (robot turns into error mode) if MECA_R_VERSION > 2: ROBOT.Run('SetCartLinVel', min(500.0, values[0]), False) else: ROBOT.Run('SetCartVel', min(500.0, values[0]), False) # Second value, if available, is joint speed in deg/s if nvalues >= 2 and values[1] > 0: # make sure we do not exceed maximum speed (robot turns into error mode) ROBOT.Run('SetJointVel', min(135.0, values[1]), False) # Third value, if available, is linear acceleration in mm/s2 if nvalues >= 3 and values[2] > 0: print("Warning: Setting linear acceleration not supported") # Fourth value, if available, is joint acceleration in deg/s2 if nvalues >= 4 and values[3] > 0: print("Warning: Setting joint acceleration not supported") # Provokes sending Ready: UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_READY) elif nvalues >= 1 and linecmd.startswith("SETROUNDING"): # Set the rounding/smoothing value. Also known as ZoneData in ABB or CNT for Fanuc ROBOT.Rounding = values[0] if MECA_R_VERSION > 2: # SetCornering changed to setblending for R3 robots ROBOT.Run('SetBlending', [min(values[0],100)] if values[0] > 0 else [0]) else: ROBOT.Run('SetCornering', [1] if values[0] > 0 else [0]) elif nvalues >= 1 and linecmd.startswith("PAUSE"): UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WAITING) # Force synchronization (end of block) ROBOT.Synchronize() # Run a pause if values[0] > 0: import time time.sleep(values[0] * 0.001) UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_READY) elif nvalues >= 2 and linecmd.startswith("SETDO"): UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) dIO_id = values[0] dIO_value = values[1] print_message("Warning: Setting DO[%i] = %.1f not implemented" % (dIO_id, dIO_value)) UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_READY) elif nvalues >= 2 and linecmd.startswith("WAITDI"): UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) dIO_id = values[0] dIO_value = values[1] print_message("Warning: Waiting DI[%i] = %.1f not implemented" % (dIO_id, dIO_value)) UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_READY) elif nvalues >= 6 and linecmd.startswith("SETTOOL"): # Set the Tool reference frame provided the 6 XYZWPR values by RoboDK ROBOT.Run('SetTRF', values) elif nvalues >= 1 and nwords >= 2 and linecmd.startswith("RUNPROG"): UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) if nwords < 3: prog_id = int(values[0]) prog_name = "Program %i" % prog_id else: prog_name = words[2] run_cmd = words[2] if run_cmd.startswith('Gripper'): #def Run(self, cmd, values=None, send_ready=True, sync=None): ROBOT.Run(run_cmd, sync=True) else: print_message("Unknown program call: " + run_cmd) print_message("Warning: Running program %s not implemented" % (prog_name)) UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_READY) elif nwords >= 2 and linecmd.startswith("POPUP "): UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) message = linecmd[6:] print_message("Warning: Display message %s not implemented" % (message)) UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_READY) #elif linecmd.startswith("DISCONNECT"): # # Disconnect from robot # ROBOT.disconnect() # UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_DISCONNECTED) elif linecmd.startswith("c "): global LAST_ROBOT_MSG if not ROBOT.Run(linecmd[2:].strip()): print(str(LAST_ROBOT_MSG)) LAST_ROBOT_MSG = "" elif linecmd == "t": # Call custom procedure for quick testing TestDriver() elif linecmd == "d": # Call custom procedure for quick testing RobotDisconnect() elif linecmd == "c": RunCommand("CONNECT 10000") elif linecmd == "m": # Call custom procedure for quick testing global LISTCMD LISTCMD += ['MOVJ -10 0 0 0 0 0'] LISTCMD += ['MOVJ 10 0 0 0 0 0'] else: print("Unknown command: " + linecmd) # Stop monitoring feedback (should not be required here but it is safer) ROBOT_MOVING = False def RunMain(): """Main procedure""" # Flush version print_message("RoboDK Driver v2.1 for Mecademic robot controllers") # It is important to disconnect the robot if we force to stop the process import atexit atexit.register(RobotDisconnect) cmdlist = '' cmdlist +='c GripperOpen|Open Gripper|' cmdlist +='c GripperClose|Close Gripper|' cmdlist +='c GetStatusRobot|Get Robot Status|' cmdlist +='c ResetError|Reset Errors|' cmdlist +='c ActivateRobot|Activate robot|' cmdlist +='c DeactivateRobot|Deactivate robot|' cmdlist +='c ActivateSim|Activate simulation|' cmdlist +='c DeactivateSim|Deactivate simulation|' cmdlist +='c ClearMotion|Clear motion|' cmdlist +='c BrakesOn|Brakes On|' cmdlist +='c BrakesOff|Brakes Off|' cmdlist +='c GetConf|Get robot configuration|' cmdlist +='c GetJoints|Get robot joints|' cmdlist +='c GetPose|Get robot pose|' cmdlist +='c GetStatusGripper|Get Gripper status|' cmdlist +='c GetStatusRobot|Get robot status|' cmdlist +='c Home|Home robot|' cmdlist +='c PauseMotion|Pause robot motion|' cmdlist +='c ResetError|Reset error|' cmdlist +='c ResumeMotion|Resume robot motion|' cmdlist +='c SetEOB(1)|Enable end-of-block message|' cmdlist +='c SetEOB(0)|Disable end-of-block message|' cmdlist +='c SetEOM(0)|Disable end-of-motion message|' cmdlist +='c SetEOM(1)|Disable end-of-movement message|' #cmdlist +='c SetOfflineProgramLoop(e)|asdfasdfasdf|' #cmdlist +='c StartProgram(n)|asdfasdfasdf|' #cmdlist +='c StartSaving(n)|asdfasdfasdf|' #cmdlist +='c StopSaving|asdfasdfasdf|' #cmdlist +='c SwitchToEtherCAT print("CMDLIST:" + cmdlist) sys.stdout.flush() # Flush Disconnected message UpdateStatus() # Start parallel thread RunDriverThread() # Run the driver process RunConsole() # Test the driver with a sample set of commands #TestDriver() if __name__ == "__main__": """Call Main procedure""" # Important, leave the Main procedure as RunMain RunMain()