# Dobot program generated from RoboDK post processor import threading import sys import os from packaging import version # Communication port (usually serial port) COM_CONNECT = "" print("Connecting to: " + COM_CONNECT) # Library path: Important, Python 3.5 or later must be used. Make sure to link suitable binaries (32 vs 64 bit) DOBOT_LIBRARY_PATH = r"""C:\RoboDK\Posts\bin""" #DOBOT_LIBRARY_PATH = r"""C:/Users/UserName/Desktop/DobotDll""" sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(DOBOT_LIBRARY_PATH)) # temporarily add path to POSTS folder os.environ['PATH'] = DOBOT_LIBRARY_PATH + os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH'] python_min_version = "3.6.0" if version.parse(str(sys.version_info[0]) + "." + str(sys.version_info[1]) + "." + str(sys.version_info[2])) < version.parse(python_min_version): input("Invalid Python version. Use Python 3.6.0 or later.") import DobotDllType as dType CON_STR = { dType.DobotConnect.DobotConnect_NoError: "DobotConnect_NoError", dType.DobotConnect.DobotConnect_NotFound: "DobotConnect_NotFound", dType.DobotConnect.DobotConnect_Occupied: "DobotConnect_Occupied" } # Load Dll api = dType.load() # Connect to Dobot [state, fwType, version, dobotId] = dType.ConnectDobot(api, COM_CONNECT, 115200) print("Connection status: ", CON_STR[state]) print("Connected robot: ", dobotId) sys.stdout.flush() if (state != dType.DobotConnect.DobotConnect_NoError): #Disconnect Dobot dType.DisconnectDobot(api,dobotId) raise Exception("Connection problems (" + CON_STR[state] + ") Are you using the robot with another application?") quit() # Clean Command Queued dType.SetQueuedCmdClear(api,dobotId) # Async Motion Params Setting dType.SetHOMEParams(api,dobotId, 200, 200, 200, 200, isQueued = 1) dType.SetPTPJointParams(api,dobotId, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, isQueued = 1) dType.SetPTPCommonParams(api,dobotId, 100, 100, isQueued = 1) # Async Home (only required after rebooting the controller) #dType.SetHOMECmd(api,dobotId, temp=0, isQueued=1) def Home(): """Set the Dobot Magician back to its home position to get a correct reference position. Perform the homing operation after rebooting the controller or the stepper motors lost steps""" dType.SetHOMECmd(api,dobotId, temp=0, isQueued=1) # Main program definition def Prog1(): '''Main procedure''' print('Sending program Prog1 ...') # Program generated by RoboDK v5.3.0 for Dobot CR5 on 22/11/2021 17:15:58 # Using nominal kinematics. dType.SetPTPCmd(api,dobotId, dType.PTPMode.PTPMOVJANGLEMode, 0.000000, 0.000000, -90.000000, 90.000000, 90.000000, -0.000000, isQueued=1) dType.SetPTPCmd(api,dobotId, dType.PTPMode.PTPMOVJANGLEMode, -18.225600, -8.799280, -80.394100, 89.193400, 108.226000, -0.000000, isQueued=1) dType.SetPTPCmd(api,dobotId, dType.PTPMode.PTPMOVJANGLEMode, -18.866400, -17.673000, -106.369000, 124.042000, 108.866000, -0.000000, isQueued=1) dType.SetPTPCmd(api,dobotId, dType.PTPMode.PTPMOVJANGLEMode, -12.281300, -42.151200, -65.722000, 107.873000, 102.281000, -0.000000, isQueued=1) dType.SetPTPCmd(api,dobotId, dType.PTPMode.PTPMOVJANGLEMode, -12.281300, -42.151200, -65.722000, 107.873000, 102.281000, -47.500000, isQueued=1) dType.SetPTPCmd(api,dobotId, dType.PTPMode.PTPMOVLANGLEMode, 0.000000, 0.000000, -90.000000, 90.000000, 90.000000, -0.000000, isQueued=1) print('Program Prog1 sent') sys.stdout.flush() print('Running program Prog1 on robot...') sys.stdout.flush() # Save the index command of the last command (set a short pause) lastIndex = dType.SetWAITCmd(api,dobotId, 0.1, isQueued = 1)[0] # Start to Execute Queued Commands dType.SetQueuedCmdStartExec(api,dobotId) # Wait until execution is done by verifying current command while lastIndex > dType.GetQueuedCmdCurrentIndex(api,dobotId)[0]: dType.dSleep(100) # Stop executing commands dType.SetQueuedCmdStopExec(api,dobotId) # Clear all queued commands dType.SetQueuedCmdClear(api,dobotId) print('Program Prog1 Finished') sys.stdout.flush() # Main program call: set as a loop while True: Prog1() break #Disconnect Dobot dType.DisconnectDobot(api,dobotId) # Notify user before closing: print("Done!") input("Press any key to close.")