# Copyright 2015-2020 - RoboDK Inc. - https://robodk.com/ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # # # # This is a Python module that allows driving an Omron/Techman robot. # This Python module can be run directly in console mode to test its functionality. # This module allows communicating with a robot through the command line. # The same commands we can input manually are used by RoboDK to drive the robot from the PC. # RoboDK Drivers are located in /RoboDK/api/Robot/ by default. Drivers can be PY files or EXE files. # # Drivers are modular. They are not part of the RoboDK executable but they must be placed in C:/RoboDK/api/robot/, then, linked in the Connection parameters menu: # 1. right click a robot in RoboDK, then, select "Connect to robot". # 2. In the "More options" menu it is possible to update the location and name of the driver. # Driver linking is automatic for currently available drivers. # More information about robot drivers available here: # https://robodk.com/doc/en/Robot-Drivers.html#RobotDrivers # # Alternatively to the standard programming methods (where a program is generated, then, transferred to the robot and executed) it is possible to run a program simulation directly on the robot # The robot movement in the simulator is then synchronized with the real robot. # Programs generated from RoboDK can be run on the robot by right clicking the program, then selecting "Run on robot". # Example: # https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCD--kokh4s # # Example of an online programming project: # https://robodk.com/blog/online-programming/ # # It is possible to control the movement of a robot from the RoboDK API (for example, from a Python or C# program using the RoboDK API). # The same code is used to simulate and optionally move the real robot. # Example: # https://robodk.com/offline-programming # # To establish connection from RoboDK API: # https://robodk.com/doc/en/PythonAPI/robolink.html#robolink.Item.ConnectSafe # # Example of a quick manual test in console mode: # User entry: CONNECT 7000 # Response: SMS:Response from the robot or failure to connect # Response: SMS:Ready # User entry: MOVJ 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 # Response: SMS:Working... # Response: SMS:Ready # User entry: CJNT # Response: SMS:Working... # Response: JNTS: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import socket import struct import sys import re from io import BytesIO # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------- Constants/settings -------------------- nDOFs_MIN = 6 # Set the minimum number of degrees of freedom that are expected TM_PORT = 5890 # Default communication port KEEP_ALIVE = True # Keep the socket connection alive TIMEOUT = 1 # in seconds USE_DEFAULT_ROUNDING = 0 # Use point to point movements DEBUG_ON = True # Set to True to see additional debug messages #SET_BASE_STR = None SET_BASE_STR = 'ChangeBase("RobotBase")' # Reset the base before any other command is sent DO_DIRECT_MODBUS = True # Use modbus to change digital outputs instead of sending a script to do so # Set the driver version DRIVER_VERSION = "RoboDK Driver for Omron-Techman v1.1.0" # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Note, a simple print() will flush information to the log window of the robot connection in RoboDK # Sending a print() might not flush the standard output unless the buffer reaches a certain size def print_message(message): """print_message will display a message in the log window (and the connexion status bar)""" print("SMS:" + message) sys.stdout.flush() # very useful to update RoboDK as fast as possible def show_message(message): """show_message will display a message in the status bar of the main window""" print("SMS2:" + message) sys.stdout.flush() # very useful to update RoboDK as fast as possible def Robot_Disconnect(): global ROBOT ROBOT.disconnect() def TM_DecodeResponse(recv_bytes): """Convert returned message from TM robot to a readable message""" returned = recv_bytes.decode("utf-8").strip() print_message("Robot response: " + returned) ret_sections = returned.split(',') all_good = False if len(ret_sections) < 5: return all_good, "Unexpected response: " + returned else: status_msg = "" if 'OK' in ret_sections[3]: all_good = True status_msg = "Script is correct" else: status_msg = "Program Errors: " + returned warnings = ret_sections[3].split(';') if len(warnings) > 2: warning_lineid = int(warnings[1]) - 1 script_lines = script_code.split('\n') if warning_lineid >= 0 and warning_lineid < len(script_lines): warning_str = script_code[warning_lineid] else: warning_str = "Unknown error line" status_msg = "Warning on line " + str(warning_lineid) + ": " + warning_str return all_good, status_msg def TM_SendScript(script_code, robot_ip=None, port=5890, robot_socket=None): # Send a script to Techman robot # TMSCT command import sys import time import struct import socket # Default communication port for Techman scripts: #port = TM_PORT # Script ID (returned when the script is completed) script_id = 1 # Build the packet to send based on the script data data = (('%i,' % script_id) + script_code) data_length = len(data) # Convert string to bytes data_msg = 'TMSCT,' + str(data_length) + ',' + data + ',' data_msg = data_msg.encode("utf-8") # Calculate checksum csum = 0 for el in data_msg: csum ^= el # Build byte array to send packet = b'$' + data_msg + b'*' + hex(csum)[2:].encode('utf-8').upper() + b'\r\n' # Connect to the robot socket_disconnect = False if robot_socket is None: socket_disconnect = True if DEBUG_ON: print_message("Connecting to robot %s:%i ..." % (robot_ip, port)) UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) robot_socket = socket.create_connection((robot_ip, port)) robot_socket.settimeout(TIMEOUT) if DEBUG_ON: print_message("Connected") UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) if DEBUG_ON: print_message("Sending script...") UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) robot_socket.send(packet) #time.sleep(TIMEOUT) try: received = robot_socket.recv(4096) except ConnectionAbortedError as e: msg = str(e) print(msg) return False, msg if socket_disconnect: robot_socket.close() if received: all_good, response = TM_DecodeResponse(received) print_message(response) return all_good, response else: msg = "Robot connection problems. Validate the robot connection and the robot IP." #print_message(msg) return False, msg def TM_DecodeStatus(recv_bytes): """Convert returned message from TM robot to a readable message""" returned = recv_bytes.decode("utf-8").strip() print_message("Robot response: " + returned) ret_sections = returned.split(',') listen_active = False if len(ret_sections) < 5: return listen_active, "Unexpected response: " + returned else: status_msg = "" if 'true' in ret_sections[3]: listen_active = True status_msg = "Flow is in Listen mode: " + ret_sections[4] else: status_msg = "Program Errors: " + returned return listen_active, status_msg def TM_Status(subcmd=0, robot_ip=None, port=5890, robot_socket=None): # Send a script to Techman robot # TMSCT command import sys import time import struct import socket # Build the packet to send based on the script data data = ('%02i,' % subcmd) data_length = len(data) # Convert string to bytes data_msg = 'TMSTA,' + str(data_length) + ',' + data + ',' data_msg = data_msg.encode("utf-8") # Calculate checksum csum = 0 for el in data_msg: csum ^= el # Build byte array to send packet = b'$' + data_msg + b'*' + hex(csum)[2:].encode('utf-8').upper() + b'\r\n' # Connect to the robot socket_disconnect = False if robot_socket is None: socket_disconnect = True if DEBUG_ON: print_message("Connecting to robot %s:%i ..." % (robot_ip, port)) UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) robot_socket = socket.create_connection((robot_ip, port)) robot_socket.settimeout(TIMEOUT) if DEBUG_ON: print_message("Connected") UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) if DEBUG_ON: print_message("Sending script...") UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) robot_socket.send(packet) #time.sleep(TIMEOUT) received = robot_socket.recv(4096) if socket_disconnect: robot_socket.close() if received: listen_mode, response = TM_DecodeStatus(received) print_message(response) return listen_mode, response else: msg = "Robot connection problems. Validate the robot connection and the robot IP." #print_message(msg) return False, msg # ----------- communication class for Omron-Techman robots ------------- # This class handles communication between this driver (PC) and the robot class ComRobot: """Robot class for programming Omron-Techman robots""" LAST_MSG = None # Keep a copy of the last message received CONNECTED = False # Connection status is known at all times SPEED_MMS = 100 # default speed in mm/s ROUNDING = USE_DEFAULT_ROUNDING SPEED_PERCENT = 10 # default speed in percentage RobotIP = None RobotPort = TM_PORT sock = None # communication socket (None if we don't want the connection to remain alive) UPDATE_BASE = SET_BASE_STR # This is executed when the object is created def __init__(self): self.BUFFER_SIZE = 512 # bytes self.TIMEOUT = 5 * 60 # seconds: it must be enough time for a movement to complete # destructor def __del__(self): self.disconnect() # Disconnect from robot def disconnect(self): if not KEEP_ALIVE: return True self.CONNECTED = False if self.sock: try: self.sock.close() self.sock = None except OSError: self.sock = None return False return True # Connect to robot def connect(self, ip, port=30000): if not KEEP_ALIVE: self.CONNECTED = True return True global ROBOT_MOVING self.disconnect() print_message('Connecting to robot %s:%i' % (ip, port)) UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) # Create new socket connection self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.settimeout(TIMEOUT) UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) try: self.sock.connect((ip, port)) except ConnectionRefusedError as e: print_message(str(e)) return False except socket.timeout as e: #print_message(str(e)) print_message("Connection timed out") return False self.CONNECTED = True ROBOT_MOVING = False #self.send_line(DRIVER_VERSION) print_message('Waiting for welcome message...') #robot_response = self.recv_line() #print(robot_response) #sys.stdout.flush() return True def SendCmd(self, script_code): """Send a command. Returns True if success, False otherwise.""" # print('SendCmd(cmd=' + str(cmd) + ', values=' + str(values) if values else '' + ')') # Skip the command if the robot is not connected if KEEP_ALIVE and not self.CONNECTED: UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_NOT_CONNECTED) return False if self.UPDATE_BASE is not None: # Important: Set the base to the robot base script_code = self.UPDATE_BASE + '\n' + script_code self.UPDATE_BASE = None all_good, self.LAST_MSG = TM_SendScript(script_code, self.RobotIP, self.RobotPort, self.sock) return all_good def WaitReady(self): """Wait for the robot to be in Listen mode""" listen_active = False while not listen_active: listen_active, msg = TM_Status(0, self.RobotIP, self.RobotPort, self.sock) print_message(msg) return True # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generic RoboDK driver for a specific Robot class ROBOT = ComRobot() #ROBOT_IP = "" # IP of the robot ROBOT_PORT = TM_PORT # Communication port of the robot ROBOT_MOVING = False # ------------ robot connection ----------------- # Establish connection with the robot def RobotConnect(): global ROBOT return ROBOT.connect(ROBOT.RobotIP, ROBOT.RobotPort) # Disconnect from the robot def RobotDisconnect(): global ROBOT ROBOT.disconnect() return True # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generic RoboDK driver tools def print_joints(joints, is_moving=False): # if len(joints) > 6: # joints = joints[0:6] if is_moving: # Display the feedback of the joints when the robot is moving if ROBOT_MOVING: print("JNTS_MOVING " + " ".join(format(x, ".5f") for x in joints)) # if joints is a list of float # print("JNTS_MOVING " + joints) else: print("JNTS " + " ".join(format(x, ".5f") for x in joints)) # if joints is a list of float # print("JNTS " + joints) sys.stdout.flush() # very useful to update RoboDK as fast as possible # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constant values to display status using UpdateStatus() ROBOTCOM_UNKNOWN = -1000 ROBOTCOM_CONNECTION_PROBLEMS = -3 ROBOTCOM_DISCONNECTED = -2 ROBOTCOM_NOT_CONNECTED = -1 ROBOTCOM_READY = 0 ROBOTCOM_WORKING = 1 ROBOTCOM_WAITING = 2 # Last robot status is saved STATUS = ROBOTCOM_DISCONNECTED # UpdateStatus will send an appropriate message to RoboDK which will result in a specific coloring # for example, Ready will be displayed in green, Waiting... will be displayed in Yellow and other messages # will be displayed in red def UpdateStatus(set_status=None): global STATUS if set_status is not None: STATUS = set_status if STATUS == ROBOTCOM_CONNECTION_PROBLEMS: print_message("Connection problems") elif STATUS == ROBOTCOM_DISCONNECTED: print_message("Disconnected") elif STATUS == ROBOTCOM_NOT_CONNECTED: print_message("Not connected") elif STATUS == ROBOTCOM_READY: print_message("Ready") elif STATUS == ROBOTCOM_WORKING: print_message("Working...") elif STATUS == ROBOTCOM_WAITING: print_message("Waiting...") else: print_message("Unknown status") # Sample set of commands that can be provided by RoboDK of through the command line def TestDriver(): # try: # rob_ip = input("Enter the robot IP: ") # rob_port = input("Enter the robot Port (default=1101): ") # rob_port = int(rob_port) # RunCommand("CONNECT 10000") RunCommand("CONNECT 5890") RunCommand("SETDO 6 0") RunCommand("SETDO 6 1") RunCommand("SETDO 6 0") #print("Changing base:") #RunCommand("SETTOOL 0 0 0 0 0 0") #RunCommand('c ChangeTCP("USER_TCP_TM")') #print("moving robot:") #RunCommand("MOVJ -49.02582 3.23587 75.50025 11.26389 90.00000 -49.0258") #RunCommand("MOVJ -51.02582 3.23587 75.50025 11.26389 90.00000 -49.0258") #RunCommand("RUNPROG -1 SetForceConditionOnce(12)") #RunCommand("DISCONNECT") # print("Tip: Type 'CJNT' to retrieve") # print("Tip: Type 'MOVJ j1 j2 j3 j4 j5 j6 j7' to move the robot (provide joints as angles)") # except Exception as e: # print(e) # input("Test commands finished. Press enter to continue") # RunCommand("SETTOOL -0.025 -41.046 50.920 60.000 -0.000 90.000") # RunCommand("MOVJ -5.362010 46.323420 20.746290 74.878840 -50.101680 61.958500") # RunCommand("SPEED 250") # RunCommand("MOVEL 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5.362010 50.323420 20.746290 74.878840 -50.101680 61.958500") # RunCommand("PAUSE 2000") # Pause 2 seconds # -------------------------- Main driver loop ----------------------------- # Read STDIN and process each command (infinite loop) # IMPORTANT: This must be run from RoboDK so that RoboDK can properly feed commands through STDIN # This driver can also be run in console mode providing the commands through the console input def RunDriver(): for line in sys.stdin: RunCommand(line.strip()) # Each line provided through command line or STDIN will be processed by RunCommand def RunCommand(cmd_line): global ROBOT global ROBOT_MOVING # strip a line of words into a list of numbers def line_2_values(line): values = [] for word in line: try: number = float(word) values.append(number) except ValueError: pass return values cmd_words = cmd_line.split(' ') # [''] if len == 0 cmd = cmd_words[0] cmd_values = line_2_values(cmd_words[1:]) # [] if len <= 1 n_cmd_values = len(cmd_values) n_cmd_words = len(cmd_words) received = None if cmd_line == "": # Skip if no command is provided return elif cmd_line.startswith("CONNECT"): # Connect to robot provided the IP and the port if n_cmd_words >= 2: ROBOT.RobotIP = cmd_words[1] if n_cmd_words >= 3: ROBOT.RobotPort = int(cmd_words[2]) received = RobotConnect() #elif not ROBOT.CONNECTED: # print_message("Robot not connected. Connect first!") # UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_NOT_CONNECTED) elif n_cmd_values >= nDOFs_MIN and cmd_line.startswith("MOVJ"): UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) # Activate the monitor feedback ROBOT_MOVING = True # Execute a joint move. RoboDK provides j1,j2,...,j6,j7,x,y,z,w,p,r jnts = '' for i in range(max(nDOFs_MIN, len(cmd_values) - 6)): jnts = jnts + ('%.5f,' % (cmd_values[i])) jnts = jnts[:-2] # script code for a joint move: script_code = 'PTP("JPP",%s,%i,%i,%i,%s)' % (jnts, ROBOT.SPEED_PERCENT, 0, ROBOT.ROUNDING, ("true" if ROBOT.ROUNDING > 0 else "false")) if ROBOT.SendCmd(script_code): # Wait for command to be executed if ROBOT.WaitReady(): # Notify that we are done with this command UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_READY) elif n_cmd_values >= nDOFs_MIN and cmd_line.startswith("MOVL"): UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) # Activate the monitor feedback ROBOT_MOVING = True xyzwpr = '%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f' % tuple(cmd_values[-6:]) script_code = 'Line("CAP",%s,%i,%i,%i,%s)' % (xyzwpr, ROBOT.SPEED_MMS, 0, ROBOT.ROUNDING, ("true" if ROBOT.ROUNDING > 0 else "false")) # Execute a linear move. RoboDK provides j1,j2,...,j6,j7,x,y,z,w,p,r if ROBOT.SendCmd(script_code): # Wait for command to be executed if ROBOT.WaitReady(): # Notify that we are done with this command UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_READY) elif n_cmd_values >= nDOFs_MIN and cmd_line.startswith("MOVLSEARCH"): UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) # Activate the monitor feedback ROBOT_MOVING = True # Execute a linear move. RoboDK provides j1,j2,...,j6,x,y,z,w,p,r if ROBOT.SendCmd(MSG_MOVEL_SEARCH, cmd_values[0:n_cmd_values]): # Wait for command to be executed if ROBOT.WaitReady(): # Retrieve contact joints jnts_contact = ROBOT.recv_array() print_joints(jnts_contact) elif n_cmd_values >= 2 * (nDOFs_MIN + 6) and cmd_line.startswith("MOVC"): msg = "Circular movement not supported" print_message(msg) raise Exception(msg) elif cmd_line.startswith("CJNT"): UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) # Retrieve the current position of the robot if ROBOT.SendCmd(MSG_CJNT): received = ROBOT.recv_array() print_joints(received) elif n_cmd_values >= 1 and cmd_line.startswith("SPEED"): #UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) # First value is linear speed in mm/s # IMPORTANT! We should only send one "Ready" per instruction speed_values = [-1, -1, -1, -1] for i in range(min(4, len(cmd_values))): speed_values[i] = cmd_values[i] # speed_values[0] = speed_values[0] # linear speed in mm/s # speed_values[1] = speed_values[1] # joint speed in mm/s # speed_values[2] = speed_values[2] # linear acceleration in mm/s2 # speed_values[3] = speed_values[3] # joint acceleration in deg/s2 if speed_values[0] > 0: ROBOT.SPEED_MMS = speed_values[0] if speed_values[1] > 0: ROBOT.SPEED_PERCENT = min(100, 100*speed_values[1]/2000) UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_READY) elif n_cmd_values >= 6 and cmd_line.startswith("SETTOOL"): UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) # Set the Tool frame provided the 6 XYZWPR cmd_values by RoboDK script_code = 'ChangeTCP(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f)' % tuple(cmd_values) if ROBOT.SendCmd(script_code): UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_READY) else: UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_CONNECTION_PROBLEMS) elif n_cmd_values >= 1 and cmd_line.startswith("PAUSE"): UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WAITING) # Run a pause time.sleep(0.001*cmd_values[0]) UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_READY) elif n_cmd_values >= 1 and cmd_line.startswith("SETROUNDING"): # Set the rounding/smoothing value. Also known as ZoneData in ABB or CNT for Fanuc ROBOT.ROUNDING = cmd_values[0] UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_READY) elif n_cmd_values >= 2 and cmd_line.startswith("SETDO"): UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) dIO_id = cmd_values[0] dIO_value = cmd_values[1] if DO_DIRECT_MODBUS: from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusTcpClient # Phillip to implement modbus signal here given DO id and value if (dIO_id > 255): msg = "Modbus IO only allows 255 unique IO ports" print_message(msg) raise Exception(msg) client = ModbusTcpClient(ROBOT.RobotIP) client.write_coil(int(dIO_id),bool(dIO_value),unit = 1) #So usually it's unit 0 but wireshark showed the unit went by id 1 client.close() else: # Execute script to trigger modbus script_code = 'modbus_write("TCP_1",0,"DO",%i,%s)' % (int(dIO_id)+800, dIO_value) if ROBOT.SendCmd(script_code): # Wait for command to be executed if ROBOT.WaitReady(): # Notify that we are done with this command UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_READY) elif n_cmd_values >= 2 and cmd_line.startswith("WAITDI"): msg = "Wait Digital Input not supported" print_message(msg) raise Exception(msg) elif n_cmd_values >= 1 and n_cmd_words >= 3 and cmd_line.startswith("RUNPROG"): UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) program_id = cmd_values[0] # Program ID is extracted automatically if the program name is Program ID code = cmd_words[2] # "Program%i" % program_id m = re.search(r'^(?P.*)\((?P.*)\)', code) code_dict = m.groupdict() program_name = code_dict['program_name'] args = code_dict['args'].replace(' ', '').split(',') print('program_name: ' + program_name) print('args: ' + str(args)) if ROBOT.SendCmd(code): # Wait for the program call to complete if ROBOT.WaitReady(): # Notify that we are done with this command UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_READY) elif cmd_line.startswith("c "): UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) code = cmd_line[2:] if ROBOT.SendCmd(code): # Wait for the program call to complete if ROBOT.WaitReady(): # Notify that we are done with this command UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_READY) elif n_cmd_words >= 2 and cmd_line.startswith("POPUP "): UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) message = cmd_line[6:] #ROBOT.send_line(message) # Wait for command to be executed if ROBOT.WaitReady(): # Notify that we are done with this command UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_READY) elif cmd_line.startswith("DISCONNECT"): # Disconnect from robot UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_DISCONNECTED) ROBOT.disconnect() elif cmd_line.startswith("STOP") or cmd_line.startswith("QUIT"): # Stop the driver ROBOT.disconnect() UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_DISCONNECTED) quit(0) # Stop the driver elif cmd_line.startswith("t"): # Call custom procedure for quick testing TestDriver() else: print("Unknown command: " + str(cmd_line)) if received is not None: UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_READY) # Stop monitoring feedback ROBOT_MOVING = False if __name__ == "__main__": """Call Main procedure""" # It is important to disconnect the robot if we force to stop the process import atexit atexit.register(RobotDisconnect) cmdlist = '' cmdlist +='c ChangeTCP("TCP_1")|Set TCP_1|' cmdlist +='c ChangeBase("RobotBase")|Set Robot base|' cmdlist +='SETDO 6 1|Set DO6 On|' cmdlist +='SETDO 6 0|Set DO6 Off|' cmdlist +='c modbus_write("TCP_1",0,"DO",806,1)|Set DO6 On|' cmdlist +='c modbus_write("TCP_1",0,"DO",806,0)|Set DO6 Off|' print("CMDLIST:" + cmdlist) sys.stdout.flush() # Flush Disconnected message print_message(DRIVER_VERSION) # Install required packages if DO_DIRECT_MODBUS: UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) from robolink import import_install UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_WORKING) import_install("pymodbus") UpdateStatus(ROBOTCOM_DISCONNECTED) # Run the driver from STDIN RunDriver() # Test the driver with a sample set of commands #TestDriver()