Create a detection pipeline

The final step to preparing the RoboDK station for AR is to create a pipeline to detect the fiducial markers. This detection pipeline will be used to calculate the pose from the real and virtual markers and overlay the assets from the simulated RoboDK camera on top of the input video feed.

Follow these steps to create a detection pipeline:

1.Navigate to Image Processing Editor Image Processing Editor in the toolbar.

2.Select the simulated RoboDK Camera if using Video AR, for Camera AR select the camera source.

3.Select your marker under Detectors Charuco Diamond Markers.

4.Set the required parameters based off the physical marker dimensions.

5.Under Device, Set the calibration file. It is recommended to use Generic Calibration.

6.Save the pipeline project under File Save Project As…

With the station prepared, an input video recorded, and a processing pipeline saved, we can begin making AR videos. The next sections detail how to create AR videos and live AR renders as well as a troubleshooting section to aid in fixing undesirable renders.