Accessing the simulated camera image through the API

It is possible to access the camera image for all view types through the API. For instance, you can retrieve the color image (8 bits), grayscale image (8 bits) and depth map (8 bits or 32 bits) as a disk file or as plain data.

Accessing the data of the simulated camera allows you to process it externally, either through a third-party imaging library or your own.

Although RoboDK does not provide its on imaging library nor is associated with one, our Python API provides sample code to process 2D and 3D image data. The following topics are covered:

Fetch the image data and display it as a livestream.

Calibrate a pinhole camera using a chessboard pattern.

Estimate the camera pose using supported patterns.

Appose the simulated camera image on an hardware camera feed for augmented reality.

Read barcodes and QR codes.

Detect features like blobs, reference image, surface area, contours, image moments, and more.

Retrieve depth maps, process them into point clouds, reconstruct meshes, create a 3D livestream.

To access our Python API examples, follow this link: