Create a display panel

You can create a new display panel by selecting Utilities from the RoboDK menu, then, select Create display panel. You can also right click an object linked to a display panel and select Display panel settings.

In the text field, enter the station variable name you want to display, enclosed by '%' - i.e. %STATION_VAR_NAME%. You can add any number of static text or variables. Moreover, you can use HTML code! Click on the Edit button to open a text editor with more options.

Predefined variables:

1.%TIME%: Display the local time, as yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss:zzz.

2.%SIMULATIONTIME%: RoboDK's simulation time.

3.%STATION_VAR_NAME%: Any station variable name.

Any change of state of used variables will be automatically updated. Simply set the variable state in your Python script through the API or in a Program.

Display Panel - Image 2

Size and placement can be adjusted by clicking the expand button and entering the desired size of the panel (in millimeters). You can also set the pixel size (pixel/mm), which will affect the content size. You can then set the pose of the panel with respect to its parent object.