RoboDK API - Documentation
Item Member List

This is the complete list of members for Item, including all inherited members.

AddTool(const Mat &tool_pose, const QString &tool_name="New TCP")Item
Childs() constItem
Connect(const QString &robot_ip="")Item
customInstruction(const QString &name, const QString &path_run, const QString &path_icon="", bool blocking=true, const QString &cmd_run_on_robot="")Item
DetachAll(Item parent)Item
DetachClosest(Item parent)Item
getAI(const QString &io_var)Item
getDI(const QString &io_var)Item
getLink(int type_linked=RoboDK::ITEM_TYPE_ROBOT)Item
Instruction(int ins_id, QString &name, int &instype, int &movetype, bool &isjointtarget, Mat &target, tJoints &joints)Item
InstructionList(tMatrix2D *instructions)Item
InstructionListJoints(QString &error_msg, tMatrix2D **joint_list, double mm_step=10.0, double deg_step=5.0, const QString &save_to_file="", bool collision_check=false, int flags=0, double time_step_s=0.1)Item
isJointTarget() constItem
Item(RoboDK *rdk=nullptr, quint64 ptr=0, qint32 type=-1) (defined in Item)Item
Item(const Item &other) (defined in Item)Item
JointLimits(tJoints *lower_limits, tJoints *upper_limits)Item
Joints() constItem
JointsConfig(const tJoints &joints, tConfig config)Item
JointsHome() constItem
MakeProgram(const QString &filename)Item
MoveC(const Item &itemtarget1, const Item &itemtarget2, bool blocking=true)Item
MoveC(const tJoints &joints1, const tJoints &joints2, bool blocking=true)Item
MoveC(const Mat &target1, const Mat &target2, bool blocking=true)Item
MoveJ(const Item &itemtarget, bool blocking=true)Item
MoveJ(const tJoints &joints, bool blocking=true)Item
MoveJ(const Mat &target, bool blocking=true)Item
MoveJ_Test(const tJoints &j1, const tJoints &j2, double minstep_deg=-1)Item
MoveL(const Item &itemtarget, bool blocking=true)Item
MoveL(const tJoints &joints, bool blocking=true)Item
MoveL(const Mat &target, bool blocking=true)Item
MoveL_Test(const tJoints &joints1, const Mat &pose2, double minstep_mm=-1)Item
Name() constItem
ObjectLink(int link_id=0)Item
operator=(const Item &x)=default (defined in Item)Item
Parent() constItem
Pause(double time_ms=-1)Item
Pose() constItem
RoboDK_API::RoboDK (defined in Item)Itemfriend
RunCode(const QString &parameters)Item
RunInstruction(const QString &code, int run_type=RoboDK::INSTRUCTION_CALL_PROGRAM)Item
Save(const QString &filename)Item
Scale(double scale)Item
Scale(double scale_xyz[3])Item
setAccuracyActive(int accurate=1)Item
setAO(const QString &io_var, const QString &io_value)Item
setColor(double colorRGBA[4])Item
setDO(const QString &io_var, const QString &io_value)Item
setGeometryPose(const Mat pose)Item
setInstruction(int ins_id, const QString &name, int instype, int movetype, bool isjointtarget, const Mat &target, const tJoints &joints)Item
setJointLimits(const tJoints &lower_limits, const tJoints &upper_limits)Item
setJoints(const tJoints &jnts)Item
setJointsHome(const tJoints &jnts)Item
setMachiningParameters(QString ncfile="", Item part_obj=nullptr, QString options="")Item
setName(const QString &name)Item
setParam(const QString &param, const QString &value)Item
setParent(Item parent)Item
setParentStatic(Item parent)Item
setPose(const Mat pose)Item
setPoseAbs(const Mat pose)Item
setPoseFrame(const Mat frame_pose)Item
setPoseFrame(const Item frame_item)Item
setPoseTool(const Mat tool_pose)Item
setPoseTool(const Item tool_item)Item
setRobot(const Item &robot)Item
setRounding(double zonedata)Item
setRunType(int program_run_type)Item
setSpeed(double speed_linear, double accel_linear=-1, double speed_joints=-1, double accel_joints=-1)Item
setVisible(bool visible, int visible_frame=-1)Item
ShowInstructions(bool visible=true)Item
ShowSequence(tMatrix2D *sequence)Item
ShowTargets(bool visible=true)Item
SolveFK(const tJoints &joints, const Mat *tool=nullptr, const Mat *ref=nullptr)Item
SolveIK(const Mat &pose, const Mat *tool=nullptr, const Mat *ref=nullptr)Item
SolveIK(const Mat pose, tJoints joints_approx, const Mat *tool=nullptr, const Mat *ref=nullptr)Item
SolveIK_All(const Mat &pose, const Mat *tool=nullptr, const Mat *ref=nullptr)Item
SolveIK_All_Mat2D(const Mat &pose, const Mat *tool=nullptr, const Mat *ref=nullptr)Item
ToString() const (defined in Item)Item
Type() constItem
Update(int collision_check=RoboDK::COLLISION_OFF, int timeout_sec=3600, double *out_nins_time_dist=nullptr, double mm_step=-1, double deg_step=-1)Item
Valid(bool check_pointer=false) constItem
Visible() constItem
waitDI(const QString &io_var, const QString &io_value, double timeout_ms=-1)Item
WaitMove(double timeout_sec=300) constItem
~Item() (defined in Item)Item