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A, B and C rotations not simulating from Gcode

robodk simu.JPG   
For some reason when simulating gcode everything else runs fine xyz coordinates are correct and the toolpath shows like it should but the A, B and C degrees which defines the orientation of the robot doesn't simulate. So the orientation is always fixed altough the code is kind of non planar. Do I have to modify it somehow for simulation or is there some settings in robodk to make it work? This code has been tested and it works like it should on the machine.

Attached Files
.nc   robodk (Size: 718.8 KB / Downloads: 161)
You should use the IJK vector to define the orientation of the Z axis of your tool. For example, if the tool is perpendicular to the table, IJK should be [0,0,1].

For example, this line:
G1 X426 Y1435 Z0 A=0 B=0 C=25 ELX=700 EM=1.0
Should look like this:
G1 X426 Y1435 Z0 I0 J0 K1 ELX=700 EM=1.0

Alternatively you can use the APT format with outputs GOTO movements using the ijk vector.

Ot let us know what configuration parameters you have and we can help you better troubleshoot.
Hello Albert thank you for the reply! 

I tried just simply changing the ABC to IJK like you suggested but that did not change anything and the problem still persist. 

In order to use APT format I think I would have to make a completely new postprocessor since I'm generating the code by myself. Our machine also does not run on APT so it sounds like a lot of work only to make the simulation work.

Please let me know what specifics you need for troubleshooting this better!
Can you provide the NC file that you generated with the IJK configuration? What other configuration settings do you have?

Keep in mind that the IJK parameters should form a unit vector. If it is not a vector of size one RoboDK will automatically normalize it.

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