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AutoSelect grooves

HelpCurves.png    Hello,
I feel like something similar to this should be already posted somewhere, but I can't seem to find it. I have a depression in a board, which I'm trying to get my robot to trace with a pen in RoboDK. I am able to select the edges to create curves, but I would like to know if it's possible to autoselect all the edges to auto generate the curves (otherwise I'd be manually selecting a few hundred curves to move between)

I'll attach a screenshot: I'm drawing starry night... I've also tried turning the sketch points into a .csv to create curves, which does autogenerate the paths, but it looks like a richter scale instead of my image

Thank you!
You can go to Tools->Options->CAD and try to play with the import settings

The solution provided by Sergei helps you import curves from the native 3D model (for example, included in STEP or IGES models).

On the other hand, if you already have the curves (I assume you are using a plugin?), you can click on Auto select all to select all curves at once (you may need to manually select the first one and next curves will be automatically selected).

This can also be done through the API and automatically select all curves with an add-in.

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