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BUG on robodk pallet plugin

Dear Robodk Team and community,

it seems that a little bug is present on Robodk plugin. When I try to use approach position, the configuration of the robot joints is not correct:

Here a video of robot without approach (correct):

Here a video with robot with approach (not correct):

is it possible to set movel on approach positions by default?

Thank you

Can you try updating RoboDK to the latest version and trying again?
We fixed this issue in late January.
If it does not fix the issue could you tell me the palleting plugin version you are using? (top left corner of the palletizing screen)

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Hello Jeremy,

I am running latest version of Robodk, but palletizing plugin is at versio 1.0.0. Is it possible to update only palletizing plugin?

thank you
best regards
There it is. 
Version 1.0.5

Replace the content in c:/RoboDK/bin/plugins


Attached Files
.zip (Size: 403.21 KB / Downloads: 258)
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Hi Jeremy,

I have installed the updated plugin and bug has disappeared. Anyway I still have problems in movej to approach position... there is a strange behaviour in robot configuration.

Here the video of the current situation:

robot configuration of palletizing plugin is this one:

Can you please help me in gaining normal robot movements?

Thank you,
best regards
Yeah, clearly it shouldn't do that.

I will look into it more.
Can you provide the station?

In the meantime, I have a trick for you to solve this issue.
Reduce the joint range of J1 and J2.
You can do so by double-clicking the joint limits in the robot panel.
Cobots have much more range of motion than needed most of the time. So if you restrict it a bit, and regenerate the palletizing project, it should work. a

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hello Jeremy, here you can download the station:

I will try using your suggestions.

I will provide you feedback asap.

Best regards
Hi Francesco,

Honestly, you should also delete the palletizing item from your station tree and create a new one. 
I don't know how this happened but it looks like you used a version that was never supposed to be released. 
I can tell by the way the red and green lines on the boxes are not perpendicular. 


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