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Build a Fanuc Robot with Mechanism - Fanuc P-250iB RH, not working


I am trying to build a robot very similar to Fanuc P-250iB RH Robot. 
However, there are some DH parameters missing in the mechanism GUI. 

According to the exisiting Fanuc P250iB RH model, it requires to input alpha values at J5 and J6 for 70 degrees. 
Also, there should be a value at d5. However, these values are not opened to the user. 

How should I input these values in the robot building mechanism?
If I do not input these parameters, the last 3 joints looks very weird. 

Thank you very much, 

Ken Tang

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.rdk   CMA Robot Building_rev2.rdk (Size: 6.39 MB / Downloads: 98)
It is not possible for end users to model robots with special kinematics such as the robot arm you shared with a 70 deg axis on the wrist. We would have to model it on our end. If you have a professional license we can model it for you. Simply send a request by selecting Help-Request support from RoboDK

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