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Cable Strain and KUKA Welding Robot

Can someone direct me to a tutorial or explain how to modifying the Welding Robot Cable Strain so it does crash into the robot joints?

I am using the "Robot Machining Project" command.
How do I position the joints from hitting the welding cable strain?

.rdk   Robot Cell Test Post.rdk (Size: 18.34 MB / Downloads: 360)
You should take a look at this video here:

For tools, you need to drag and drop them to a frame first to revert them back to an object. 

In any case, I did it for you. 


Attached Files
.zip (Size: 1.18 MB / Downloads: 343)
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Thank you Jeremy, but this is not what I'm trying to discribe.

I have attached a JPG file so you can see the torch crashing into a joint. Program was created from a curve.

Is there a way to reposition the welding arms to prevent a crash in this spline program I have created.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Cable Strain Crash.JPG   
You need to change the orientation of the tool.

In this case, if you used the Curve Follow Project (CFP), and you are using "minimum tool orientation change" as an algorithm, you should select the blue "+", press "+Z" and find the right orientation for your path using the rotz(angle).

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