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Can I blend the corner between 3 points

i already posted a thread related to blend with radius, but i still cant get it to work UR robots there is a MoveP option where you can type in the amount of rounding and when the movement comes to an edge, instead of doing an edge it makes it rounded... ive been testing the rounding feature in robodk but it doesnt do what i want it to do, if i understand correctly rounding option in robodk only prevents unnecesseary excelerations. ive checed the examples and i cant find an answer
You won't see the effect of blending in RoboDK paths and programs. I'm referring to the yellow path you see and that is linked to a program.

You'll see the effect on the real robot when you generate the program and execute the program on the robot.

Make sure your point to point movements are spread enough so they are at least 50% of the blend radius.

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