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Can't import LS after Robodk to roboguide

Hello dear 
Cant import LS program after Robo dk to roboguide : 
roboguide on line 407 column 50 configuration error
 How can I fix it
Can You post Your .ls file here?
Here is Txt file from my LS

Attached Files
.txt   Prog8.txt (Size: 2.47 KB / Downloads: 517)
Well, before trying to load file on Roboguide, I've already spotted an error

File name and /PROG (parameter) name must match.

On this file You sent, file name is Prog8, but inside, on first line of the header, /PROG parameter is Prog7.

So I corrected this and could upload the file on Roboguide normally.

Anyway, If I try to upload the program without correcting it, the error I got was on line 2, column 2.
Hi Guys,

This is most likely because you tried to rename the program outside of RoboDK.
This is a limitation we have with Fanuc and some other robot manufacturers. As the program name is "baked" in the code, you can not manually change the program name after you generate it, or if you do, you need to manually modify it in the code also.
The best way is to modify it in RoboDK before generating the LS file.

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