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Can the movement of a positioner be taken along by the preprocessor?

We are researching a modular robotic system. In this case, a UR10e robot with a rotarytable. Since the rotarytable is purely a positioner it does not need to be synchronized with the ur10 robot. However, we would like to take the movement of the rotarytable with it, through adjustments of the preprocessor, to the output code. Is there any way to do this?

 If not, can the rotarytable be synchronized in RoboDK with the UR10E robot, keeping the active reffrence frame at the base of the ur10 robot?

Thanks a lot in advance for your time.


I understand it is not possible to synchronize a turntable with a UR robot from the controller point of view. This happens with many robot controllers.

However, a workaround is to split linear movements as small joint movements which should give you the same effect. You can apply this by following these steps:
  1. Select Tools-Options
  2. Set Output for joint movements: Joint data
  3. Set Output for linear movements: Joint data
  4. Maximum step size (mm): Set to 1 mm (or a value that represents the accuracy you would like to have but that it is not too small to generate infinite amount of points)
  5. Generate the robot program.
You'll see that for one single Move Linear or Move Joint instruction it generates plenty of small move joint commands.

How do you drive the turntable? This may need an adjustment through the post processor.
Hi Albert,
When I adjust the settings as you said I get an error message. "Program generation failed. Program summary: it is not possible to split the linear movements at instruction 2" and al the other linear movements . When I set the output for linear momvements both to joint data and I set the maximum step size to default, the pre-processor of universal robots generates a program but there are still linear movements in it. Is this the fault of the pre processor?

Kind regards,

Hi Albert,

I managed to generate an output file. The problem is that a linear movement is divided into smaller linear movements. 

This is not what I want because the post processor uses the cartesian coordinates of a target in the rotation table frame (this frame rotates with the rotation table). As shown in the attached image, I placed the first target somewhere in the 'Part frame', then rotated the rotary table 180 degrees and placed another target in that spot. Then I moved the robot back a bit to see the two targets. 

When the moveL command in 'Prog1' goes through a custom post processor of universal robots, the post processor gives a pose for the ur10 robot to reach the target 2 based on the coordinates in the 'Part frame' , but without using the rotation table, impossible can for only the ur10 robot. 

Is there a way to put the targets in a non-rotating reffrence frame and do the rotation of the rotation table joint via a separate joint movement?

Thanks in advance for your time,

Greetings Bram

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