10-25-2019, 01:12 PM
Is it possible to change DH parameters of a robot through API? In C++ preferably, if not, Python will do.
I found this for Python:
robodk.dh(rz, tx=None, tz=None, rx=None)
Returns the Denavit-Hartenberg 4x4 matrix for a robot link.
Seems like only returns.
In C++ tho:
/*bool RoboDK::SetRobotParams(Item *robot, tMatrix2D dhm, Mat poseBase, Mat poseTool)
Is it possible to change DH parameters of a robot through API? In C++ preferably, if not, Python will do.
I found this for Python:
robodk.dh(rz, tx=None, tz=None, rx=None)
Returns the Denavit-Hartenberg 4x4 matrix for a robot link.
Seems like only returns.
In C++ tho:
/*bool RoboDK::SetRobotParams(Item *robot, tMatrix2D dhm, Mat poseBase, Mat poseTool)