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Configurations moving with reference frame when they shouldn't

I created my first program in RoboDK after being away from it for a while.  I used reference frames for my robot mounting location and different reference frames on my parts.  My targets were taught to my part reference frames.  When I move the robot mount reference location to test a new mounting location my targets on my parts stay where they should.  However, when I go back into the configuration menu to check configurations the robot moves to the original offset distance that would have been where the targets would be if they were in reference to the robot base.  In other words, it does not move the TCP to the target but the same distance from the target that the robot base moved.

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Do you use more than one TCP? If so, make sure to make the correct tool the Active one.

If it does not solve your issue, can you attach your RDK project file? We may be able to help you better.

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