09-04-2023, 09:17 AM
We're using online programming to control a KUKA robot through the RoboDK API, using the C3 Bridge Interface Server (kukabridge) as RoboDK robot driver. I know the C3 Bridge Interface supports control of program execution. To my knowledge, however, the RoboDK API does not (yet) allow for control of the KRL program execution (start/stop/reset), particularly the RoboDKsync543.src program.
Is this expected to be added soon? If not, is it possible to add this functionality ourselves and how?
This would be valuable, because it is currently required to manually select/cancel/start/resume/reset/stop the program (using the teach pendant). For example, if you want to enter the robot cell during operation, a safety stop is triggered and program execution is stopped, requiring you to (reset and) start/resume the program manually through the HMI after leaving and closing the protective fence.
We're using online programming to control a KUKA robot through the RoboDK API, using the C3 Bridge Interface Server (kukabridge) as RoboDK robot driver. I know the C3 Bridge Interface supports control of program execution. To my knowledge, however, the RoboDK API does not (yet) allow for control of the KRL program execution (start/stop/reset), particularly the RoboDKsync543.src program.
Is this expected to be added soon? If not, is it possible to add this functionality ourselves and how?
This would be valuable, because it is currently required to manually select/cancel/start/resume/reset/stop the program (using the teach pendant). For example, if you want to enter the robot cell during operation, a safety stop is triggered and program execution is stopped, requiring you to (reset and) start/resume the program manually through the HMI after leaving and closing the protective fence.