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Converting Camera Coordinates to Robot Coordinates


.rdk   inspection station flange.rdk (Size: 7.26 MB / Downloads: 168)
I have made a program to do inspection using machine learning.
I have two classes as Flange Accept and Flange Reject.
I get the x,y coordiantes of the bounding boxes from the json file.
I would like to convert these x,y coordiantes to the robot coordinates to be able to pick up and reject the failing parts. Code is attached. Kindly advise the path.
Is your camera calibrated (intrinsic calibration)? If so, I understand you can get XY coordinates in MM from the camera from the origin of your table.

Then you can use a reference target at the same origin location (you can teach this target using the desired orientation) and offset this target using pose pre-multiplications.

pick_pose = transl(x_camera_mm, y_camera_mm, 0) * pick_pose_origin
pick_pose_approach = transl(0,0, approach_dist_mm) * pick_pose
Thanks Albert. Yes. I will get the calibration done now and work on the project.
Very much appreciate the response.


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