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Curve follow project csv file parameter


I want to use the curve follow project, but I'm not familiar with G-code, so I'm trying to solve it as a csv file.
But I can't find any parameter information for the numbers entered in the csv file.
Even after looking at the SampleXYZS.csv and Example-Import-CSV-XYZWPR.csv files in the Python API examples, I still don't understand.

What does S stand for in SampleXYZS.csv?

When I load Example-Import-CSV-XYZWPR.csv, each dot is marked with an X, making it difficult to tell the direction.

I would also like to know what role the 7th parameter plays and how the robot's uvw is determined when wpr is loaded.

And when loading a csv file, I am curious about whether it is expressed as a curve in some cases and as a dot in other cases.

thank you
Quote:What does S stand for in SampleXYZS.csv?
S - for speed setting

Quote:When I load Example-Import-CSV-XYZWPR.csv, each dot is marked with an X, making it difficult to tell the direction.
I would also like to know what role the 7th parameter plays and how the robot's uvw is determined when wpr is loaded.
7th parameter - just line number

Example ImportCSV_XYZWPR, which reads a CSV file with XYZWPR data (Example-Import-CSV-XYZWPR.csv file is used), shows how you can create a target list and a program.

The ImportCSV_XYZ example, which reads a CSV file with XYZS data (the SampleXYZS.csv file is used), shows how you can create a program with speed assignments.

Quote:And when loading a csv file, I am curious about whether it is expressed as a curve in some cases and as a dot in other cases.

If the data is in pure XYZ or XYZWPR format (without additional row numbers, velocity definitions, etc.), it is loaded as a curve.

You can use Utilities->Import Points to load data (in XYZ/XYZWPR format) as a points list
You can use Utilities->Import Curve to load data (in XYZ/XYZWPR format) as a curve

The corresponding U, V, and W values can be obtained by switching the notation type on the robot control tab.

Also, take a look at the Pose_2_UR API function if you need to perform a conversion to UR notation:

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