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Difference between Simulation time and Real physical time

I started last week using RoboDK for UR5e robot simulation in order to have a good approximation of the cycle time of my project.  It seemed to work well at first, but I tried to build 3 simple programs on the teach pad of the robot and to repeat them with RoboDK. There is always a notable difference between simulation and reality. I can't find why or where to change the right settings. Robot runs in collaborative mode (most restricted) and i set the same restriction with the set speed instruction. If anyone could help, let me know!
Hi PMaxL

There is a macro called: CycleTimeStudy, maybe it could help you get the data you are looking for.

The cycle time shown in the bottom right corner of your screen is a estimation.
The real time will depend on the speed, obviously, but also on the acceleration.

You can find those parameters by double clicking the robot and clicking "Parameters" in the robot panel.
Make sure that those matches between the robot controller and RDK.

Hope it helps.
Have a great day.

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