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Drawing with robot example error

I need to use the robot paint example for a project and it seems to give me an error that I cant figure out.
The Demo scene with the ABB robot works fine, I can generate program, no issues.
When I change the robot to an Kuka KRC4 robot, the demo runs fine in RDK (it draws the picture), but when I export the robot program I get this error:

Failed to generate program "Robotpaint" using the Post Processor "KUKA_KRC4"
Post processor path:C:/RoboDK/Posts/
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/alle/AppData/Local/Temp/", line 1547, in
File "C:/Users/alle/AppData/Local/Temp/", line 1542, in make_program
File "C:\RoboDK\Posts\", line 569, in MoveL
self.addline('LIN {' + self.pose_2_str_ext(pose,joints) + str_config + '}' + self.C_DIS)
File "C:\RoboDK\Posts\", line 207, in pose_2_str_ext
return self.pose_2_str(pose)
File "C:\RoboDK\Posts\", line 198, in pose_2_str
raise Exception("Unable to create a Linear movement (LIN) using a Joint Target. Use a Cartesian target instead.")
Exception: Unable to create a Linear movement (LIN) using a Joint Target. Use a Cartesian target instead.

Hi Kloper, 

Quote:Exception: Unable to create a Linear movement (LIN) using a Joint Target. Use a Cartesian target instead.

Did you try using Cartesian Targets instead of Joint Targets for your linear moves?

(10-01-2020, 04:51 AM)Jeremy Wrote: Hi Kloper, 

Quote:Exception: Unable to create a Linear movement (LIN) using a Joint Target. Use a Cartesian target instead.

Did you try using Cartesian Targets instead of Joint Targets for your linear moves?


Hi Jeremy, 
thanks for the answer!!
How would I do that?
From what I understand, the python script (robotPaint script) is generating the KRC4 program.

(10-01-2020, 08:11 AM)Kloper Wrote:
(10-01-2020, 04:51 AM)Jeremy Wrote: Hi Kloper, 

Quote:Exception: Unable to create a Linear movement (LIN) using a Joint Target. Use a Cartesian target instead.

Did you try using Cartesian Targets instead of Joint Targets for your linear moves?


Hi Jeremy, 
thanks for the answer!!
How would I do that?
From what I understand, the python script (robotPaint script) is generating the KRC4 program.


I think I found the issue!
The last command in the Robot Paint script was a moveL to home. When it change that to MoveJ it generates the KRC program just fine. Not sure if thats what you ment (I am not very familiar with RDK) but it seems to work.

Hi Kloper,

This is exactly what I meant by that.
Good job figuring out your issue.


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