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Edit Post Processor

I am Currently working on a Project to Convert a Yaskawa GP50 into a large-scaled 3D-Printer . 
Since the Robot only features Digital Outputs (in the basic version), we try to convert the Set-Speed of the Movement into a byte Variable wich is output to 8 Digital Outputs. These will be read by an Arduino board to calculate the correct Extruder Value. 

To achieve this however , we need to Set the Byte Variable to the Value of the Set-Speed .

For Example : 
If the finished Programm writes me .
MOVL C00211 BC00211 V=30.0 PL=1
MOVL C00212 BC00212 V=130.0 PL=1

I want it to add the following:
SET B001 30
MOVL C00211 BC00211 V=30.0 PL=1
SET B001 130
MOVL C00212 BC00212 V=130.0 PL=1
(C is the Robot Point and BC is the External Axis)
So basically it should add a line above the current one to Set the Variable to the Value behind the V= (but as integer).
My knowledge in editing Post-Processors to achieve this sadly isn't good enough. 
Therefore i could need some help with it.
The RoboDK support team can help you modify a PostProcessor if you own a Professional License with active maintenance. 

To request this, you can go into RoboDK in the Main menu select Help→Request support.

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