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Fanuc 200ic/5L supported in robodk?

I work for a school in Australia and we have purchased a used Fanuc 200ic/5L with a r30ia mate controller to provide our students some exposure to what industrial robotics is.

This is my first time using a robot but I have extensive experience with CNC machinery etc and some PLC experience. 

Unfortunately it seems like the 5kg payload long reach 200ic which is what we have might not be supported by robodk. Only the standard reach is listed. 

Before I purchase a license it would be good to know if this will work for us or not? We don't need to use all the reach so the standard 200ic might work as long as the movement scaling will not be wrong I guess?

Thanks everyone, excited to be beginning my learning in this field.
We can add this model to the library given the 3D model and spec sheet.
You can make a request to add the robot here :

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