Dear ROBODK team. I am trying to set up an older robot that is not in your database.
I think I am pretty close to have it done, but there is still some bugs I cannot get rid of.
Attached please find the robot model.
The thing is, that real robot says most of the time the trajectories are outside the limits. Can you please suggest what I did wrong?
-step files are from Fanuc
-2 and 3 axis are bounded together
-joint limits are exactly as the real robot
-orientation was physically checked and model matches real robot(inverting)
I have spend so many hours without a success.
Maybe if this is fixed, the robot can be added to global library :)
My controller is RJ3iB
After a quick look, I see one obvious mistake.
You did not set the proper joint limits for axes 2 and 3 as they are coupled axis.
Coupled axis have joint limits that will vary depending on the position of the other axis.
In RoboDK, open the robot panel and double-click the lower joint limits for axis 2.
You will see a blue square appearing.
You need to enter the right combination of joint limits.
To know these values, you need to manually jog the robot a look at the limits you can reach.
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Do you know what axis is problematic here?
Does your teach pendant gives you more information than just "Reaching axis limits".
There is no magical solution with these coupled axes, even for us. It's a bit of trial and error.
Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our Online Documentation and by watching tutorials on our Youtube Channel.
Hi Jeremy, I think I have found the problem after all. The think is, that the ls to tp translation does not work as for the tool frame and user frame.
Therefore I have always had ptoblems with linear movements (in mm) and joint movements(in deg) were fine.
What I did, have manually entered data for tool frame and user frame and bingo.
Do you think this has something to do with your sw, or it is roboguide/old robot issue?
For Fanuc robot, RoboDK default behavior is, if the tool or frame has a number (ex: Tool 1) in RoboDK, to not provide the program with tool or frame value but instead use the controller values linked to that tool number (ex: Frame 1 -> UFRAME[1]). That method only works if the tool or user frame are predefined in the controller.
To avoid that, you can remove any numbers from the tool or frame name in RoboDK.
I think you can also go to "Tools"->"Options"->"Program" and uncheck these options, but I'm not 100% sure.
Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our Online Documentation and by watching tutorials on our Youtube Channel.