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Help modeling the robot Pilz PRBT 6

Hello, I am trying to model the Pilz PRBT_6 robot.  I followed the video tutorial to create a custom mechanism. However, my robot moves weirdly when I change the values of each joint. 


For example, I tried to move joint 1 and joint 2. The joints do not rotate around the axis.

I spent several hours changing build joints and theta angle without succeeding.
Can you help me to model the robot?

The complete manual of the robot is in the link:  Pilz manual

The drawings of the robot and the Denavit-Hartenberg parameters are the next:

The original  .step of the robot is the next
.stp   PRBT_6_2027052_D.stp (Size: 3.51 MB / Downloads: 46)

I thought that the movements did not match because when I opened the step file in the AutoDesk Inventor, the center of each joint did not coincide with the center of rotation. If that is the problem I have corrected it and attached the updated .step model. in the link 


Thanks in advanced for your help!
You should properly align the Z axis of the base frame to point along the the arm. And you can set the build joints values to match the position of the arm at the position of the 3D model.
Thank you so much for the information !!!

I update the center of each joint and the reference system using AutoDesk Inventor. The point center is according to the drawings.

Now the robot has the correct orientation. 
the robot .stp file  
.stp   Pilz_upload_axis_center.stp (Size: 3.65 MB / Downloads: 48)
The robot saved on RoboDk 
.robot   pilz_robot.robot (Size: 498.85 KB / Downloads: 60)

However, some joints are not moving correctly as the next video shows:

.mp4   robodk_pilz.mp4 (Size: 2.38 MB / Downloads: 47)

The setup of the mechanism is the following:

What is wrong? I don't understand the correct way to build a new robot! 
Could you help me check what my mistake is please?
From the video, I believe that the base reference of the robot was not perfectly aligned with the interception of the joints 1 and 2.

I joined the robot, feel free to look at it and use it.

Attached Files
.robot   PILZ-PRBT-6.robot (Size: 145.89 KB / Downloads: 64)

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