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How can I "Export" my RoboDK Program movements to csv file?

I want to Export my robot programs movements to "CSV" file.

But I couldn't find how to do that.

So, can you tell me how to export my robot programs movements to csv file?
Right click on your robot and click on Select Post Processor and select CSV:
Then right click the program you want to export and select Generate Program As:
IS this CSV == comma separated value?
Exactly, this is an example of how an exported program would look like:

Instruction,X (mm),Y (mm),Z (mm),Rx (deg),Ry (deg),Rz (deg),J1 (deg),J2 (deg),J3 (deg),J4 (deg),J5 (deg),J6 (deg)
Program Start,Main_Program
Comment,Program generated by RoboDK v5.4.1 for UR5 on 22/03/2022 07:06:24
Comment,Using nominal kinematics.
Set Reference,0.000,0.000,0.000,-0.000,0.000,-0.000
Set Tool,0.000,-90.000,175.000,-0.000,0.000,-0.000
Move Joints,8.699,372.416,346.023,180.000,0.000,-90.000,0.000000,-90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000,90.000000,-0.000000
Set Joint Speed (deg/s),230.000
Set Speed (mm/s),230.000
Run Program,Detach
Move Linear,8.699,372.416,192.023,180.000,0.000,-90.000,0.000000,-90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000,90.000000,-0.000000
Set Joint Speed (deg/s),78.000
Set Speed (mm/s),78.000
Run Program,Attach
Move Linear,8.699,372.416,346.023,180.000,0.000,-90.000,0.000000,-90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000,90.000000,-0.000000
Move Joints,-387.498,443.009,172.000,180.000,-0.000,2.109,0.000000,-90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000,90.000000,-0.000000
Set Joint Speed (deg/s),230.000
Set Speed (mm/s),230.000
Move Linear,-387.498,443.009,18.000,180.000,-0.000,2.109,0.000000,-90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000,90.000000,-0.000000
Set Joint Speed (deg/s),78.000
Set Speed (mm/s),78.000
Run Program,Detach
Move Linear,-387.498,443.009,172.000,180.000,-0.000,2.109,0.000000,-90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000,90.000000,-0.000000
Move Joints,8.699,498.416,346.023,180.000,0.000,-90.000,0.000000,-90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000,90.000000,-0.000000
Set Joint Speed (deg/s),230.000
Set Speed (mm/s),230.000
Move Linear,8.699,498.416,192.023,180.000,0.000,-90.000,0.000000,-90.000000,-90.000000,0.000000,90.000000,-0.000000
Set Joint Speed (deg/s),78.000
Set Speed (mm/s),78.000

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