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How to import offline program to RoboDK?

Hello everyone ,

RoboDk is very cool . It can translate own programe to kinds of offline program of other brands of Robot.

But I don't know how to import offline program to RoboDK.For example, on site,check the *.ls which is generated by Roboguide or other software.

Hi there,

Importing "hand-written" program is not an officially supported feature.

Therefore, we cannot guarantee any result.

I still recommend you give it a try.

Start by building your station with the same robot and tool(s) as in your program.
You can then drag and drop the program in RoboDK's window.

If things turn out well, you can retrieve the movements and the target.
If only the movements appear, select the movements (one or many at the same time) -> "right-click" -> "Select Targets".

I hope it helps.

Have a great day.

(04-02-2020, 01:40 AM)Jeremy Wrote: Hi there,

Importing "hand-written" program is not an officially supported feature.

Therefore, we cannot guarantee any result.

I still recommend you give it a try.

Start by building your station with the same robot and tool(s) as in your program.
You can then drag and drop the program in RoboDK's window.

If things turn out well, you can retrieve the movements and the target.
If only the movements appear, select the movements (one or many at the same time) -> "right-click" -> "Select Targets".

I hope it helps.

Have a great day.


Can I fetch or import robot program files from a robot controller to RoboDK?For eg: ,can i fetch .src program file from the KUKA robot controller?

It is not possible to load files from the robot controller automatically from RoboDK.
You should transfer your files using a USB disk, a shared drive or FTP.

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