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IGUS Rebel Drivers and Post processor

Hello all, 
I have been working with Igus Rebel Robot. Recently I simulated a test program with RoboDK and wanted to connect IGUS rebel robot to RoboDK but it seems like the Drivers and Post Processor for IGUS rebel is missing in RoboDK. 

I contacted IGUS but they asked me to contact Robodk if I need support for the integration. 

I have seen earlier threads but there is no solution. Can anyone help here? 

We currently have no post processor or driver for the IGUS Rebel robot. We are planning to add the post processor as a first step in the next few days. We'll keep you posted here.
Ok thank you for update Albert. Hope it is soon as we are waiting for using it.
Hello Albert,
Since I was waiting for your reply, in between I tried using ChatGPT and Perplexity AI to help me develop the python code for post processor of Igus Rebel.
Luckily the code work in generating the RoboDK code to xml format that is used in IGUS rebel iRC software. But when I use the xml file in IGUS iRC software, it gives error that it is not able to detect the Frame. I am attaching python code used as post processor to generates xml file along with some code sample from IGUS website(i guess these are from previous version of iRC software.). I am also attaching the errors screenshot.

Igus iRC software link:
Link for sample program Igus Rebel xml files (Also attaching it in zip version): (This are previous version iRC programs)

Can you please check and help? maybe this code also help you in generating quick prost processor. 


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.py (Size: 4.89 KB / Downloads: 34)
.rdk   Test_8_150mm_follow_path_move_down_v3.rdk (Size: 1 MB / Downloads: 28)
I developed an initial working post processor for IGUS. See attached post processor. You can simply place this file in C:/RoboDK/Posts/. We used the simulator provided by IGUS to validate the movements.

Any feedback is appreciated.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.py (Size: 17.25 KB / Downloads: 30)
Hello Phillip, 
Thank you for creating a post processor(PP) for IGUS. 
I would like to point out that the PP is still not working. I am attaching 3 examples here and it works for none unfortunately in Igus iRC.

Case 1 and Case2: 
Common issue: 
1) The PP is not able to convert the subprograms in different xml resulting in error of missing subprogram in iRC.
2) Cannot create different Frame in iRC resulting in all code being in same base frame and therefore results in error of out of reach 

Case1: Test1.rdk (Pick and Place in different Frame) 
.rdk   Test_1.rdk (Size: 961.11 KB / Downloads: 36)
The Case 1 file test1.RDK and MainProgram.xml(see picture,unable to attach xml but you can convert) one can see that it is creating many file in same xml resulting in error. 

Case 2: Test8_v3.rdk 
.rdk   Test_8_150mm_v3.rdk (Size: 1 MB / Downloads: 34)  
unable to create seperate subprogram and out of reach error due to conversion of different frame into one frame(#base). 

Case 3: Test8_v7_same_base 
.rdk   Test_8_150mm_v7_same_base.rdk (Size: 1 MB / Downloads: 37)
Also results in error. It works in RoboDK but not in Igus iRC. The error says it exceeds in a5 axis. 

I hope this helps in improving the PP. Looking forward to contribute to help. (Also just for information: I only have 3 days left for Trail version). 

Thanks for the feedback, I can replicate your issues and I'm working on fixing them.
Hello Phillip,
Any updates with new version of PP? Did you manage to replicate the errors?
Sorry for the delay, if you need an extension for the RoboDK license feel free to contact us directly through the contact form:

I've attached the updated post processor that correctly splits programs, also of note is that you'll need to redownload the robot from and then replace robot in your existing stations. This can be done by right clicking the robot and clicking on "Replace Robot." The new file changed the Euler angle type.

I've attached fixed versions of the 3 files you provided but based on the file naming you'll probably need to fix some of you RoboDK files.

Attached Files
.py (Size: 18.04 KB / Downloads: 25)
.rdk   Test_1.rdk (Size: 961.74 KB / Downloads: 31)
.rdk   Test_8_150mm_v3.rdk (Size: 1 MB / Downloads: 31)
.rdk   Test_8_150mm_v7_same_base.rdk (Size: 1 MB / Downloads: 31)
Hello Phillip and Albert, 
Thank for you the new updates on PP. BTW my firm purchased the RoboDK software so I am using this at the moment. 

Regarding the new PP, I am still getting error and therefore cannot use it. Can you help me? Is there something i am doing wrong in robot movement? Because its the same error in all station.  


Also, When I use same base (i.e. 
.rdk   Test_8_150mm_v7_same_base.rdk (Size: 1 MB / Downloads: 38) ), My robot does not come to home position but rather sets itself at an offset ( see in picture     ). This results in error as robot becomes out of position. Is there something I am doing wrong here? 


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