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IRB 1400 Postprocessor Question

Hello would be grateful for help with mail processing
Abb IRB1400 is there any mail processor that prints Examplee

Main Module Module
CONST robtarget p190:=[[-85.09,-742.87,-5.28],[0.013049,0.003934,0.005751,0.999891],[0,-1,-1,0],[9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09]];

PROC main ()

 Movel P190, V200, fine, tool2penna \ WObj: = wobj2papper;

It seems that post-process models in Robodk Abb written for custom fashion
or is there a setting on the robot itself is wrong, I get the alarm code
the postprocessors that comes with Robodk which I may try

I would like to Robodk postprocessor will print as movel P190 CONST robtarget P190 etc.

Is there someone in the community who has any idea about this?
maybe some script or similar post file that you can try

When I programers robot manually via FlexPendant so it is fine
by selecting p10 generates robot automatically p20 p30 p40 for the next block, etc.

Robodk is a fantastic good & easy to use application so I hope you
can overcome this
I have seen many online tutorial also nice

Grateful for help !

Magnus teacher Cnc_robotteknik
The following video will give you an overview to create or modify Post Processors:

For example, to modify the existing ABB post processor you can select Program->Add/edit Post Processor. Then, you can select an existing ABB Post Processor and customize the script that generates the RAPID program for your ABB robot. Alternatively, you can manually edit the PY file located in C:/RoboDK/Posts/. Note that the scripts must be programmed using the Python language.

For older ABB robots you may have to change the default post processor for another one. I recommend you to take a look at the "" post processor.

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