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Inquiry Communication with KUKA and request 'kukabridge' source code

Hello everyone,

I am currently developing a Python-based RoboDK API server to communication with a KUKA robot as per the RoboDK documentation. I am generating motion commands such as MoveJ() with RobkDK API server and using the kukabridge driver. Additionally, I have installed c3bridge on the KUKA robot controller and utilizing the RoboDKsync562.src KRL program.

From what I understand, the kukabridge driver in RoboDK packets the MoveJ() commands generated by the RoboDK API and sends them to c3bridge. The c3bridge then updates the variables specified in the $config.dat file. The RoobDKsync562.src program runs a while loop to read the variables specified in the $config.dat file and execute the corresponding KRL commands. Could you please confirm if my understanding is correct?

Additionally, is it possible to access the source code of the kukabridge driver? I would like to refer to it to add commands that are sent to the KUKA robot.

Thank you for always giving me a kind answer to your questions.
Your understanding of the interaction between kukabridge and RoobDKsync562.src is absolutely correct.
You have already asked this question earlier in the thread:

Unfortunately, we can't share the source code of kukabridge yet. But we are happy to consider your suggestions on how to improve the driver.

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