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KUKA Use Status and Turn Values with SolveIK

Bit of an odd question, but if I have a list of XYZABC + Status + Turn Kuka poses, is there a way to get corresponding joint values with SolveIK? Or would I basically need to use SolveIK_All() and use the S and T bit values to filter out unwanted configurations?
You should use SolveIK_All on each pose (XYZABC values for KUKA) and iterate through all solutions to find a set of joints that match your status and turn values.

You can calculate the configuration from your joints by using a function like this:
    def joints_2_conf_str(self,joints):
        confRLF = robot.JointsConfig(joints).list()
        strconf = ""
        if confRLF[2] > 0:
            strconf = strconf + '1'
            strconf = strconf + '0'
        if confRLF[1] == 0:
            strconf = strconf + '1'
            strconf = strconf + '0'
        if confRLF[0] > 0:
            strconf = strconf + '1'
            strconf = strconf + '0'
        return "'B%s'" % strconf   
And you can calculate the turn flags by using a function like this:
    def joints_2_turn_str(joints):
        if joints is None:
            return "'B000000'"
        strturn = ""
        for i in range(len(joints)):
            if joints[i] < 0:
                strturn = '1' + strturn
                strturn = '0' + strturn
        return "'B%s'" % strturn 

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