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Linear motion differs from real robot posture

I used Han's robot to plan a straight line motion in robodk,But in real robots, it moves in a straight line with different postures, and although the spatial position is consistent, the joint position is different from the roboDK.I need them to move in a straight line at the same joint angle

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In this case it is better if you program a joint movement to a joint target so you force the same configuration on the robot. You can later make a linear move and the robot will maintain the same joint configuration.
(05-30-2023, 12:01 PM)阿尔伯特 Wrote: 在这种情况下,最好对关节运动进行编程以应对关节目标,以便在机器人上强制进行相同的配置。您可以稍后进行线性移动,机器人将保持相同的关节配置。

The same situation still occurs when moving joints first and then in a straight line. This is due to different inverse solution results. Can I modify the robot's axis configuration?

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