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Local robot library is invalid in ver. 5.3


It seems that something is wrong with the local online library after installing ver.5.3.
I can not remove the check “open on a browser” on Tool > Option, and RoboDK sometimes crashes down when opening the Online library.

I hope someone will help me to solve this issue.

Best Regards,
Hiroe Ota
I'm unable to reproduce this issue. Are you using the RoboDK version for Windows 64 bit?

You want to open the library inside RoboDK software, correct?

Does it work if you run the HTML file located here:
C:/RoboDK/Robot Library/Robot-Library.html
I am using the RoboDK version for Windows 64 bit.
Yes, I wanted to open the library inside RoboDK, but I can not change my setting as shown in the attached screenshot.
I also tried running the path as you mentioned above, however, the situation has not changed.

Our customer has the same issue after installing Ver.5.3.

This is strange... Can you try this:
Select Tools-Options
Select Set default settings

The "Open on a browser" should be unchecked.

If it doesn't work you can then run this file using administrator privileges:

Let me know if you still have issues.

Thank you for the information.
Although I implemented your above advice, the situation remained unchanged.
For your reference, below is the error log in the event viewer in Windows.

<Event xmlns="">
- <System>
 <Provider Name="VSS" />
 <EventID Qualifiers="0">8193</EventID>
 <TimeCreated SystemTime="2021-11-01T05:03:57.3071063Z" />
 <Correlation />
 <Execution ProcessID="0" ThreadID="0" />
 <Security />
- <EventData>
 <Data>0x8007045b, システム シャットダウンが実行中です。</Data>
 <Data />

The Japanese in the log says “The system shutdown is in progress” .
Best Regards,

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