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Make surface normals always point "outside"

i want to use RoboDk for inspecting parts. Therefore i use the machining tool to create surface trajectories. But when selecting the surfaces to inspect, some have the normals pointing outside, but there are always some that have the normals pointing inside the object.(look attached pic) How can import the part and have the normals always point outside, so i dont have to do manual adjustment for some surfaces? I used the settings in the attachment. But also trying other settings, I couldnt make it work.

best regards

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How did you create the curves used for the robot's motion paths?

If the curves were created in CAD, you can separately import these curves into RoboDK with the selection of the corresponding face using CAD plug-ins:

Hello Sergei,

I didn't create the curvers in CAD. I just loaded the stp file and used the "Utilities -> Robot Machining Project" function.
To automatically flip curve normals when creating curves from 3D models you can check the option Automatically flip surface normals for inverted surfaces from the menu Tools-Options-CAD.

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