10-08-2021, 07:26 PM
Hi All,
I am trying to find the "simplest" solution for a basic process sequence of adhesive application.
The tools I have set-up are a Mecademic Meca500 robot, a Legato syringe pump, an AB Micro820 PLC, and a laptop + ethernet cables. The software I am using includes the Mecademic basic interface, RoboDK, SolidWorks, and the AB Connected Component Workbench.
With RoboDK and Solidworks, I have the Meca500 motion planned to trace a toolpath where adhesive needs to be dispensed. Generated program works well when opened in the Mecademic app. What I don't know how to do is get the robot to tell the PLC when it's reached the start of the toolpath, so the PLC can tell the pump to turn on, or off when the robot completes the toolpath. Is this something I can use the Set IO function in RoboDK for? Is the above toolset adequate, or am I missing something?
I am reasonably capable in Rockwell Studio-type ladder logic, but haven't worked much in STL. My python skills are basic at best, i'm more of a cut-and-paste Python user than an experienced coder.
Any help / advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You,
I am trying to find the "simplest" solution for a basic process sequence of adhesive application.
The tools I have set-up are a Mecademic Meca500 robot, a Legato syringe pump, an AB Micro820 PLC, and a laptop + ethernet cables. The software I am using includes the Mecademic basic interface, RoboDK, SolidWorks, and the AB Connected Component Workbench.
With RoboDK and Solidworks, I have the Meca500 motion planned to trace a toolpath where adhesive needs to be dispensed. Generated program works well when opened in the Mecademic app. What I don't know how to do is get the robot to tell the PLC when it's reached the start of the toolpath, so the PLC can tell the pump to turn on, or off when the robot completes the toolpath. Is this something I can use the Set IO function in RoboDK for? Is the above toolset adequate, or am I missing something?
I am reasonably capable in Rockwell Studio-type ladder logic, but haven't worked much in STL. My python skills are basic at best, i'm more of a cut-and-paste Python user than an experienced coder.
Any help / advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You,