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Missing robot driver

Trying to connect Mitsubishi RV-2AJ robot with RoboDK. Show log tell first that "Starting robot driver: C:/RoboDK/api/robot/" and then " not running ... Error: Process crashed(id 1)".
In folder C:/RoboDK/api/robot/ there is no "" file. If this file is missing where to find it?
Hi tohkar,

When did you install RoboDK?
The file you are looking for should be installed automatically with RoboDK.

Try downloading a fresh version of RoboDK and installing it.
If the problem persists try to completely uninstalling RoboDK and installing it again.
If the problem persists let me know, I'll send you the file.

(02-20-2019, 03:48 PM)Jeremy Wrote: Hi tohkar,

When did you install RoboDK?
The file you are looking for should be installed automatically with RoboDK.

Try downloading a fresh version of RoboDK and installing it.
If the problem persists try to completely uninstalling RoboDK and installing it again.
If the problem persists let me know, I'll send you the file.


Solved. It seams that download of  RoboDK version 32-bit dos not include that file. Switch to version 64-bit solved that problem.
Any how there is still some issues. When trying to connect to Mitsubishi robot RV-A2J error "NameError name 'str_send' is not defined" is thrown.  Issue is occured line 154 in file

Any ideas how to define str_send variable and what the value should be? Or is there nay other versions of mitsubishi drivers?

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