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Moving TCP with Tool

So I was following the video tutorials and added the paint gun.  It comes in upside down so want to adjust the tool to the robot.  When I do this however the TCP does not follow the center of the paint cone.  How can I "lock" the TCP to the paint gun so that mean I rotate it around the J6 axis it moves with the gun.


For the TCP to move, you need to change the values circled in green. 

You are changing the geometry (orange), this only impacts the 3D model, not the TCP position. 


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Correct and I found this out. However moving the tool around the robot wrist is a different set of transformations and the TCP around the end of the tool. Is there no way to "lock" the TCP to the tool so that when you move the geometry, the TCP moves with it. Otherwise it can become complex (and inaccurate) to redefine the TCP.
No, there's no way.

I'm not so sure why it would be complex or inaccurate.
You first start by positioning the geometry, and then you position (or adjust) the TCP according to the motion you did.
If you simply did a 180 deg rotation around Z, it's fairly easy to calculate the position of the TCP after the fact.

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