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Nachi SC15f-02 Problem

I went through the whole process of creating a program for the Nachi SC15f-02 and transferred it to the robot. The robot controller basically said that the program is faulty. I went back to robodk and found that the post processor for the robot is for Nachi AX FD, however, the controller I have is a Nachi AR52. Is there a way for me to modify it to work for the AR52?
The post processor Nachi AX FD name means it supports AX and FD controllers. What controller do you have? Please note that the controller model is different from the robot model.

What are the modifications you would like to see in the generated program? We can update the post processor accordingly.
The controller I have is an AR controller. Specifically the AR52 if that matters.
Can you tell us what kind of fault you see on the controller?

We will need a bit more information to help you.
Does it load on the controller?
Does the problem is caused by a specific line of code?
What does that line of code should look like?

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I figured out that I didn't convert the program into robot language so that explains why I was having an error. This is the what it should look like:

1 MOVE P,(-307.3,407.5,636.3,-21.292,-20.239,78.825),T=4,A=1,H=0
2 MOVE P,(-510.1,17.7,636.3,29.699,-20.241,78.824),T=4,A=1,H=0
So it's working now?

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No, the problem I’m having now is that I need to modify the post processor to work with the AR controller.

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