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New robot creation


at first thanks for making such a great software to model the robot behaviour. I would like to ask if it is possible to save robot composite as a one robot. For example I have created a robot model with rotational axis with two (H bot) linear axis connected to it. I would like to save it as a .robot file so I could control all 3 sliders in one robot to test IK. My robot is working perfectly if I use sliders but if I attach a tool only one mechanism (robot) is moving regardless the hierarchy. Can you please elaborate how to do that?

[Image: RoboDK-Model.png?psid=1]

Secondly when I use 'Modify robot' it only generates new reference frame and model fragments but what is the use except of saving .cadobj files or splitting the faces? Is there any function which allows you to make a new robot composite?

thanks a lot for answers

Eternal Tinkerer
I'm not sure I understand what you mean. I believe there was a problem with the attachment...

Once you build a robot or a mechanism you can save it as a .robot file. If you add tools and other mechanisms you need to save it as an .RDK station. You can synchronize the robots (right click the robot and select Synch External Axes) but you can't save a synchronized robot with an external axis as a single .robot file.

If you synchronize the robot you will be able to calculate forward and inverse kinematics for the compound.

You can also create new robots or external axes by selecting:
Utilities->Add Mechanism or robot

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