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Offline Setup - Help Needed

   In offline programming, how do I align the stand for my UR10 and tools?

I can move them with keyboard shortcuts, and double clicking and altering the values, but they are still not correct.

Example: I imported the stand I designed in CAD. I know where the reference is, but the stand is tilted and is not imported as it was drawn in CAD. How do I mate the stand exactly to the base of the robot?

Screen Capture of the Tilted Robot Stand:

Thank you,
One trick you could use is the "Teach target on surface" that you can find under "Program".

If you activate the option "Teach frame" and "Snap on arc center", it should give you the right position and orientation. 

teach frame on surface.png   

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   What am I missing? Those options do not help me establish the relationship between the UR10 and the base it sits on.

Thank you!
I answered your email.
Attaching your .rdk station would help me help you.

Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our Online Documentation and by watching tutorials on our Youtube Channel


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