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Omorn Post-Processor editing with IDLE

Hello, we recently started to use RoboDK on our OMRON TM12.
I've a problem with the post processor editing, actually i tryed to modify it with Python IDLE (as your FAQ says) but it always display the message in the attachment and don't know where the problem could come from (my Python version is the one downloaded with RoboDk, version 3.7.3).

I tryed to modify it from RoboDK (with add/edit post processor) and directly from the post-processor list inside the RoboDK folder, every kind of postprocessor give me back the same message.

I wanted to modify the OMRON post-processor because i've a 3D CAD curve and wanted to follow that path, but actually the default postprocessor BLENDING value is setted on 1% (i wanted a 100% blending in order to have a more continuos movement of the robot).
I can manually edit the blending % on the program file with python, but i've more than 450points and it will takes too much time.

I wanted to understand how to edit the postprocessor in order to have a better control over the robot motion.

Thank for the support and hope you have a nice day.

Best reguards.

Andrea Cironi
Hi Andrea,

Send me your email address in PM.
I will send you the updated version of the post-processor with this issue solved.

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