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Post Processor

my name is niko and i try to adapt my post processor for my kuka control.
this following function generate an error in my KRC control. i tried to remove it from my post processor but i was not able to remove it without an new error in my robot control. you can find the .src file in attachment. when i remove the section with a text editor everything is working fine. Can someone tell me how I can get this function out of my post processor? what does this function do?

my system:
- Kuka KR210
- KRC4 control (8.3)
- Fusion 360

Thank you very much!

Wait for StrClear($LOOP_MSG[])
$LOOP_MSG[] = "/'name'"
Wait for StrClear($LOOP_MSG[])
$LOOP_MSG[] = "/''"
Wait for StrClear($LOOP_MSG[])
$LOOP_MSG[] = "/'post version 42749'"
Wait for StrClear($LOOP_MSG[])
$LOOP_MSG[] = "/'post modified 2020-04-30 081349'"
Wait for StrClear($LOOP_MSG[])
Wait for StrClear($LOOP_MSG[])
$LOOP_MSG[] = "/'Strategy: contour2d'"
Wait for StrClear($LOOP_MSG[])
$LOOP_MSG[] = "/'Comment: 2D-Kontur1'"
Wait for StrClear($LOOP_MSG[])
Wait for StrClear($LOOP_MSG[])
$LOOP_MSG[] = "/'Output x(i),y(i),z(i)'"
Wait for StrClear($LOOP_MSG[])
$LOOP_MSG[] = "/'Output x(j),y(j),z(j)'"
Wait for StrClear($LOOP_MSG[])
$LOOP_MSG[] = "/'Output x(k),y(k),z(k)'"
Wait for StrClear($LOOP_MSG[])
$LOOP_MSG[] = "/'Output dx,dy,dz'"


Attached Files
.src   test.src (Size: 5.63 KB / Downloads: 557)
Hi okin, 

I think that simply setting this flag at True should do the trick. 


You can also remove the content of this function. 


Hello Jeremy,
thank you for your fast answer!!

hey guys , i think my query is somewhat related.
my system is as follows
fusion 360 (makers the campath) > robodk simulates it for a 6 axis robot arm (here is can create my own python post processor) > that robot code gets uploaded to my robot controller ( im using grbl for 6 axis )

so i need help to modify the post processor code to suit the input requirements for the grbl controller.

Thanks in advance

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