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Post Processor Output Syntax Error for Motoman YRC1000

We are using a Motoman GP110 with a YRC 1000 controller.  The current output from the Motoman Cartesian and Motoman Cartesian only does not output the proper syntax for /// ATTR
The current Motoman Cartesian post outputs this header before the NOP
///DATE 2021/08/11 12:16
///COMM Generated using RoboDK
How do I get the post processor to output this:
///DATE 2021/08/11 12:16
///COMM Generated using RoboDK
I need to automatically add RJ to the  ATTR line, to use relative jobs properly on the YRC1000 controller.  This is what tech support from Yaskawa ask me to do.  I know in a previous forum post back in 2019, the RJ parameter was removed so that a different Motoman controller would work.  That change now causes problem to get ROBODK outputs to work with the newer YRC 1000 Controllers.  Is it an option to have the RJ as a options like others in the post processor.

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