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Post processor for uFactory robots

I bought the cobot of the brand ufactory model lite 6, using robodk I want to program it off-line, at the moment of generating the program for the robot, I use the post processor xArm, but the obtained program I cannot load it to the robot controller, since it only accepts .gz or .xml files, I want to know if in robodk there is a post processor that I can use for this model, or which is the process to follow to make a post processor that helps me with the requirements of the controller. Help me please ...
The program you currently generate from RoboDK for uFactory robots is a Python script that needs to be run from your computer and it will move the robot.

Could you provide us with more information about the GZ or XML files that can be read by the controller? Such as the programming manual, program sambles, ... we can better take a look and add it to our pipeline.

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