I need a PP for TwinCAT. I would like to modify the
·Post Generic ·GCode NCP
Unfortunately the staff of RoboDK did not answer for my request for the source of the 2 PP to modify. So i cannot work with a PP, what is not a good thing :-(
thank’s a lot, this was very helpful. I could modify the „GCode NCP“ to „GCode_NCP_TC“ and it was successfull.
Unfortunately at the point of the program generation I have the problem that unimportant what refernence I choose, it generates the same output program (see attached file)
For my understanding, if i choose different references with different Z-values, the output as G-Code should differ also in the Z-values by recalculating. Do I something wrong?
The output always uses the same reference frame, not following the choosen frame, alwas staying at "X=556 Y=1112 Z=480 Q1=0 Q2=-90 Q3=0". I have no idea where the "Q2=-90" comes from.
Some mor information: the reference frame used by the programm is always "NP-part", but I choose "NP-20kg". Also an additional "Set Reference Frame" instruction has no effect. It is always the same output.