I connected the robot to the computer and it gives the ping message successfully but when I try to connect it gives an error. My robot is EC66 (from Elite Robots) and the Python driver file was sent to me by the company, which I put in the right path (RoboDK\api\Robot). and my version of python in robodk and VS code are same. But I get the following error.
I connected the robot to the computer and it gives the ping message successfully but when I try to connect it gives an error. My robot is EC66 (from Elite Robots) and the Python driver file was sent to me by the company, which I put in the right path (RoboDK\api\Robot). and my version of python in robodk and VS code are same. But I get the following error.
RoboDK Driver v1.0 for Elite Robot controllers
RoboDK Driver for Elite Robot v1.0.1
Sending command...
Connecting to robot
Unexpected error: Traceback (most recent call last):
Unexpected error: File "D:\RoboDK\api\robot\ElibotDriver.py", line 757, in <module>
Unexpected error: RunMain()
Unexpected error: File "D:\RoboDK\api\robot\ElibotDriver.py", line 748, in RunMain
Unexpected error: RunDriver()
Unexpected error: File "D:\RoboDK\api\robot\ElibotDriver.py", line 479, in RunDriver
Unexpected error: RunCommand(line)
Unexpected error: File "D:\RoboDK\api\robot\ElibotDriver.py", line 518, in RunCommand
Unexpected error: received = RobotConnect()
Unexpected error: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Unexpected error: File "D:\RoboDK\api\robot\ElibotDriver.py", line 368, in RobotConnect
Unexpected error: return ROBOT.connect(ROBOT_IP, ROBOT_PORT)
Unexpected error: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Unexpected error: File "D:\RoboDK\api\robot\ElibotDriver.py", line 172, in connect
Unexpected error: print_joints(received)
Unexpected error: File "D:\RoboDK\api\robot\ElibotDriver.py", line 405, in print_joints
Unexpected error: print("JNTS " + " ".join(format(x, ".5f") for x in joints)) # if joints is a list of float
Unexpected error: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Unexpected error: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable